Fusion: Practice and Applications FPA 2692-4048 2770-0070 10.54216/FPA https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/1199 2018 2018 Image Steganography Based Spatial and Transform Domain Techniques: A Review Researcher, Department of Statistics, Duhok, Iraq Amar Y. Hussien The amount of data shared online today is increasing. Data security is therefore cited as a significant problem while processing data exchanges through the Internet. Everyone needs the security of their data during communication processes. The science and art of steganography is the concealment of one audio, message, video, or image by embedding another audio, message, video, or image in its place. It is employed to protect sensitive data against malicious assaults. In order to detect the numerous methods employed with digital steganography, this study seeks to identify the primary image-based mediums. As a result, in the spatial domain of the digital medium, the LSB approach was mostly employed, whereas in the transform domain, DTC and DWT were separated as the primary techniques. Due to its simplicity and large embedding capacity, the spatial domain was the most frequently used domain in digital steganography. 2022 2022 08 15 10.54216/FPA.080101 https://www.americaspg.com/articleinfo/3/show/1199