International Journal of Neutrosophic Science IJNS 2690-6805 2692-6148 10.54216/IJNS 2020 2020 Some Algebraic structures of Neutrosophic fuzzy sets Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, India I. Silambarasan Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India R. Udhayakumar Department of Math and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM, USA Florentin Smarandache Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco and Regional Center for the Professions of Education and Training (C.R.M.E.F), Casablanca, Morocco Said Broumi The mathematical operations of convergence, association, supplement, arithmetical total, logarithmic item, scalar increase, and exponentiation are the main topics of this article. We show certain important logarithmic features of idempotency, commutativity, associativity, retention, distributivity, and De Morgan’s laws over the addition of Neutrosophic fuzzy sets. We also outline new fixations and NFS widening and show some concepts in action. Last but not least, we define a further operation (@)on Neutrosophic fuzzy sets and investigate distributive laws for the case where the responsibilities of ⊕, ⊗, ∪, and ∩ are combined. 2022 2022 30 41 10.54216/IJNS.190203