Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Metaheuristics JAIM 2833-5597 10.54216/JAIM 2022 2022 Navigating the Storm: Cutting-Edge Risk Mitigation and Analysis for Volatile Markets Computer Science and Intelligent Systems Research Center, Blacksburg 24060, Virginia, USA2 Second Author affiliation including the country S. K. Towfek In volatile markets, risk mitigation and analysis play a crucial role in ensuring financial stability and profitability. This paper presents a new framework for risk mitigation and analysis tailored specifically for volatile markets. The framework combines data analysis, statistical modeling, and domain expertise to provide a inclusive and proactive approach to managing risks. The key theories and beliefs underlying the framework are discussed, with a focus on the use of logistic regression as the core risk predictor. The framework's development process, including data collection and preprocessing, feature engineering, and model selection, is outlined. Moreover, the incorporation of the Weight of Evidence (WoE) technique to enhance the interpretability and effectiveness of the logistic regression model is explained. The proposed framework aims to encourage market participants with valuable insights into risk levels and facilitate informed decision-making and effective risk mitigation strategies in volatile market environments. 2023 2023 36 44 10.54216/JAIM.040204