Fusion: Practice and Applications FPA 2692-4048 2770-0070 10.54216/FPA https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/2605 2018 2018 Information Fusion for the Development of a Composite Indicator of Criminogenic Factors Using OWA Operators Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Riobamba, Ecuador Adrià Adrián Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Riobamba, Ecuador Stalin D. Cuji Leà León Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Riobamba, Ecuador Jairo Alexander Z. Orozco Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan Mirzaliev Sanjar In this study, the issue of criminogenic factors in the Lizarzaburu parish of Riobamba-Ecuador is addressed, an area marked by a notable increase in crime. Recognizing the complexity of these factors and the need for an integrated approach for their analysis, the use of Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operators for information fusion is proposed, aiming to create a composite indicator that allows for a holistic and accurate measure of criminality in the area. The implementation of OWA operators facilitates effective weighting of these factors, resulting in the creation of a composite indicator that more faithfully reflects the criminogenic dynamics of Lizarzaburu. This study not only provides a valuable tool for diagnosing crime in urban areas but also establishes a methodological foundation for future research and intervention policies in the field of public security. 2023 2023 108 117 10.54216/FPA.120107 https://www.americaspg.com/articleinfo/3/show/2605