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Journal of Social Problems Research
Volume 3 , Issue 1, PP: 39-46 , 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html |PDF


Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo

  Rogelio Meléndez Carballido 1 * ,   Hayk Paronyan 2 ,   Marvelio A. Matos 3 ,   Alberto L. Santillán Molina 4

1  docente-investigador UNIANDES, Santo Domingo, Ecuador

2  docente-investigador en la Universidad UNIANDES, Santo Domingo, Ecuador,

3  docente-investigador UNIANDES, Santo Domingo, Ecuador

4  docente-investigador UNIANDES, Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Doi   :   https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105

Received: October 01, 2022 Accepted: May 21, 2023

Abstract :

This article offers a proposal to promote the humanistic education of students through the dissemination process that takes place by the university's integrating projects. Based on the issues, why is it important to talk about the humanistic education of law students and how to contribute in the humanistic development of the students of the career of Law in the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Santo Domingo branch?, our paper was focused on improving the indicators of humanistic education of students and, above all, their inclusion in practical activities both within the educational process and outside the University to recognize the important role of humanistic education in the teaching-learning process of legal professionals from an integral perspective.

Keywords :

Right to Life; comprehensive protection; Abortion; decriminalization.

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MLA Rogelio Meléndez Carballido, Hayk Paronyan, Marvelio A. Matos, Alberto L. Santillán Molina. "Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo." Journal of Social Problems Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2023 ,PP. 39-46 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105)
APA Rogelio Meléndez Carballido, Hayk Paronyan, Marvelio A. Matos, Alberto L. Santillán Molina. (2023). Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo. Journal of Journal of Social Problems Research, 3 ( 1 ), 39-46 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105)
Chicago Rogelio Meléndez Carballido, Hayk Paronyan, Marvelio A. Matos, Alberto L. Santillán Molina. "Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo." Journal of Journal of Social Problems Research, 3 no. 1 (2023): 39-46 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105)
Harvard Rogelio Meléndez Carballido, Hayk Paronyan, Marvelio A. Matos, Alberto L. Santillán Molina. (2023). Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo. Journal of Journal of Social Problems Research, 3 ( 1 ), 39-46 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105)
Vancouver Rogelio Meléndez Carballido, Hayk Paronyan, Marvelio A. Matos, Alberto L. Santillán Molina. Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo. Journal of Journal of Social Problems Research, (2023); 3 ( 1 ): 39-46 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105)
IEEE Rogelio Meléndez Carballido, Hayk Paronyan, Marvelio A. Matos, Alberto L. Santillán Molina, Humanistic Component and University Education in Law Students at UNIANDES Santo Domingo, Journal of Journal of Social Problems Research, Vol. 3 , No. 1 , (2023) : 39-46 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030105)