Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology

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Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology

Volume 3 , Issue 1 , PP: 40-46, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF

Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness

Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov 1 *

  • 1 PhD in Economics, Associate of professor, Department of “Economics” Tashkent State University of Economics, Islam Karimov avenue 49, 100066 Tashkent, Uzbekistan - (
  • Doi:


    It is known that the study of economic processes includes micro, macro, and an international level analysis of certain individual economic entities, that is, firms and industries (branches). While the process of studying and making decisions on the international economic behavior of specific individual subjects in order to maximize the satisfaction of unlimited needs in the context of limited resources is a research object and subject of the field of "international economy". The modern economic theories researched in the scientific article require wider use of mathematical instruments in the study of quantitative aspects of economic processes. One of the more widely used models in practice is the economic-mathematical model. An economic-mathematical model is a formalized classification of economic processes or phenomena, the composition of which is formed depending on the objective or subjective characteristics arising from the research purpose. Economic-mathematical models expressed quantitative aspects of economic processes through functions, equations, or inequalities. Modern economic theories, mathematical models, and functions (equalities or inequalities) used in the implementation of micro, macro, or international economic analysis of gross income increase in the article indicate the scientific basis, expediency, and relevance of the chosen topic.

    Keywords :

    National Economies , foreign trade efficiency , estimation , versatile indicators system , micro , macro and international economic analysis , economic-mathematical models.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov. "Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness." Full Length Article, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2023 ,PP. 40-46 (Doi   :
    Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov. (2023). Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness. Journal of , 3 ( 1 ), 40-46 (Doi   :
    Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov. "Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness." Journal of , 3 no. 1 (2023): 40-46 (Doi   :
    Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov. (2023). Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness. Journal of , 3 ( 1 ), 40-46 (Doi   :
    Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov. Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness. Journal of , (2023); 3 ( 1 ): 40-46 (Doi   :
    Asomiddin Soatovich Yusupov, Methodologically improved model of international competitiveness, Journal of , Vol. 3 , No. 1 , (2023) : 40-46 (Doi   :