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Review Article
Fusion: Practice and Applications
Volume 11 , Issue 1, PP: 08-25 , 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html |PDF


A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions

  Huda Ghazi Enad 1 * ,   Mazin Abed Mohammed 2

1  Computer Science Department, College of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq

2  Computer Science Department, College of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq

Doi   :   https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101

Received: November 10, 2022 Accepted: March 14, 2023

Abstract :

This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the existing techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) to cardiovascular disease diagnosis. The application of AI to the diagnosis of cardiac diseases can enhance diagnostic precision, diagnostic throughput, and patient outcomes. This literature survey analyzes state-of-the-art AI-based methods, rates their efficiency, examines potential future research and development avenues, and finds challenges and limitations, providing a foundational overview of main developments in AI, machine learning, deep learning, and quantum computing in relation to heart disease prevention. This study seeks to guide the use of AI-based techniques for heart disease detection, having an ultimate objective of enhancing patient outcomes through research and development. This review mainly emphasizes the significance of further studying and advancing AI for its ability to revolutionize the diagnosis and management of heart diseases.

Keywords :

Artificial intelligence; heart disease diagnosis; deep learning; quantum computing; machine learning; cardiovascular disease; Cleveland dataset.

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MLA Huda Ghazi Enad, Mazin Abed Mohammed. "A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions." Fusion: Practice and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2023 ,PP. 08-25 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101)
APA Huda Ghazi Enad, Mazin Abed Mohammed. (2023). A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions. Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, 11 ( 1 ), 08-25 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101)
Chicago Huda Ghazi Enad, Mazin Abed Mohammed. "A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions." Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, 11 no. 1 (2023): 08-25 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101)
Harvard Huda Ghazi Enad, Mazin Abed Mohammed. (2023). A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions. Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, 11 ( 1 ), 08-25 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101)
Vancouver Huda Ghazi Enad, Mazin Abed Mohammed. A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions. Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, (2023); 11 ( 1 ): 08-25 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101)
IEEE Huda Ghazi Enad, Mazin Abed Mohammed, A Review on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis: Current Techniques, Challenges and Issues, Recent Developments, and Future Directions, Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, Vol. 11 , No. 1 , (2023) : 08-25 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.110101)