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Fusion: Practice and Applications
Volume 2 , Issue 2, PP: 64-73 , 2020 | Cite this article as | XML | Html |PDF


Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review

  Shivam Grover 1 * ,   Kshitij Sidana 2 ,   Vanita Jain 3

1  Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering,INDIA

2  Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, INDIA

3  3Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, INDIA

Doi   :   https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204

Received: March 13, 2020 Revised: April 20, 2020 Accepted: June 19, 2020

Abstract :

Performance capture of human beings has been used to animate 3D characters for movies and games for several decades now. Traditional performance capture methods require a costly dedicated setup which usually consists of more than one sensor placed at a distance from the subject, hence requiring a large amount of budget and space to accommodate. This lowers its feasibility and portability by a huge amount. Egocentric (first-person/wearable) cameras, however, are attached to the body and hence are mobile. With the rise of acceptance of wearable technology by the general public, wearable cameras have gotten cheaper too. We can make use of their excessive portability in the performance capture domain. However, working with egocentric images is a mammoth task as the views are severely distorted due to the first-person perspective, and the body parts farther from the camera are highly prone to be occluded. In this paper, we review the existing state-of-the-art methods of performance capture using egocentric-based views.

Keywords :

Egocentric Performance; Image Analysis; 3D Animation

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MLA Shivam Grover, Kshitij Sidana, Vanita Jain. "Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review." Fusion: Practice and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020 ,PP. 64-73 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204)
APA Shivam Grover, Kshitij Sidana, Vanita Jain. (2020). Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review. Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, 2 ( 2 ), 64-73 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204)
Chicago Shivam Grover, Kshitij Sidana, Vanita Jain. "Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review." Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, 2 no. 2 (2020): 64-73 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204)
Harvard Shivam Grover, Kshitij Sidana, Vanita Jain. (2020). Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review. Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, 2 ( 2 ), 64-73 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204)
Vancouver Shivam Grover, Kshitij Sidana, Vanita Jain. Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review. Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, (2020); 2 ( 2 ): 64-73 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204)
IEEE Shivam Grover, Kshitij Sidana, Vanita Jain, Egocentric Performance Capture: A Review, Journal of Fusion: Practice and Applications, Vol. 2 , No. 2 , (2020) : 64-73 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/FPA.020204)