Papers Template and Copyrights Form


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Copyrights Notes:

In accordance with academic and professional protocols, ASPG cannot accept an article if it is not the author's original work, has been published before, or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The article must not contain any libellous or unlawful statements or in any way infringe the rights of others. A full statement of our Ethical Guidelines for Authors (PDF) is available. The author must be the owner of the copyright and be entitled to sign the Author Copyright Agreement. In submitting an article, the author complies with these conditions.

If/when an article is accepted for publication, Author Copyright Agreements should be submitted via the online submission system, along with the final accepted version of the article. Each author must sign a copyright agreement (Author Copyright Agreement) form after reading the Explanatory Notes below. Signatures of all authors may appear on one form or be sent on individual forms. Each form must list the names of all authors of the article under the title of the article at the top of the form, and must reflect the order given in the article. We would expect a "Corresponding Author" to be responsible for the collection and provision of the copyright assignment from each author.

The copyrights form can be downloaded from this link:

Copyrights Form 

ASPG policy is to acquire copyright for all contributions because ownership of copyright by a central organisation helps to nsure maximum international protection against infringement. Also,  requests for permission to reproduce articles in books, course packs, electronic reserve or for library loan can be handled efficiently and with sensitivity to changing library and reader needs. 
There are opportunities to reach institutions (e.g., companies, schools and public libraries) and individual readers that are unlikely to subscribe to the printed journal. Inderscience works with other research groups and academic inistitutions to publish its journals online, and to deliver copies of individual articles. Income received from all of these sources is used to further the interests of the Journal.

Once accepted for publication, your Article will be published in the Journal, and will be stored and distributed electronically, in order to meet increasing library and faculty demand, and to deliver it as an individual article copy or as part of a larger collection of articles to meet the specific requirements of a particular market. Assignment of copyright signifies agreement to ASPG making such arrangements.

It may be that the Author is not able to make the assignment solely by him- or herself. If it is appropriate, the Author’s employer may sign the copyright agreement. The employer may reserve the right to use the Article for internal or promotional purposes (by indicating on this agreement) and reserve all rights other than copyright.

b. If the Author is a UK Government employee, the Government will grant a non-exclusive licence to publish the Article in the Journal in any medium or form provided that Crown Copyright and user rights (including patent rights) are reserved.

c. If the Author is a US Government employee and the work was done in that capacity, the assignment applies only to the extent allowed by US law.

Under the UK’s Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988, the Author has the moral right to be identified as the author wherever the Article is published, and to object to its derogatory treatment or distortion. Inderscience encourages assertion of this right, as it represents best publishing practice and is an important safeguard for all authors.

The Journal will permit the Author to use the Article elsewhere after publication, including posting it on the author’s personal web pages, in other works or for the purposes of the Author’s teaching and research, provided acknowledgement is given to the Journal as the original source of publication.


 Looking forward to recieving your submission