International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Concepts of Neutrosophic Complex Numbers

Yaser Ahmad Alhasan

In this paper, concept of neutrosophic complex numbers and its properties were presented inculding the conjugate of neutrosophic complex number, division of neutrosophic complex numbers, the inverted neutrosophic complex number and the absolute value of a neutrosophic complex number. Theories related to the conjugate of neutrosophic complex numbers are proved, the product of  a neutrosophic complex number by its conjugate equals the absolute value of number is also proved. This is an important introduction to define neutrosophic complex numbers in polar.

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Vol. 8 Issue. 1 PP. 09-18, (2020)

Octagonal Neutrosophic Number: Its Different Representations, Properties, Graphs and De-neutrosophication with the application of Personnel Selection

Muhammad Saqlain , Florentin Smarandache

To deal with fluctations in decision-making, fuzzy / neutrosophic numbers are used. The problem having more fluctuations are difficult to sovle. Thus it is a dire need to define higher order number, also It is a very curious question by researchers all around the world that how octagonal neutrosophic number can be represented and how to be graphed? In this research article, the primarily focused on the representation and graphs of octagonal neutrosophic number. at last,  a case study is  done using  VIKOR method based on octagonal neutrosophic number. These representations will be helpful in multi-criteria decision making problems in the case that there are large number of fluctuations. Finally, concluded the present work with future directions.

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Vol. 8 Issue. 1 PP. 19-33, (2020)

Weakly b-Closed Sets and Weakly b-Open Sets based of Fuzzy Neutrosophic bi-Topological Spaces

Fatimah M. Mohammed , Sarah W. Raheem

   In this paper,  we present and study some of the basic properties of the new class of sets called weakly b-closed sets and weakly b- open sets in fuzzy neutrosophic bi-topological spaces. We referred to some results related to the new definitions, which we taked the case of equal in the definition of b-sets instead of subset. Then, we discussed the relations between the new defined sets by hand and others fuzzy neutrosophic sets which were studied before us on the other hand on fuzzy neutrosophic bi-topological spaces. Then, we have studied some of characteristics and some relations are compared with necessary examples. 

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Vol. 8 Issue. 1 PP. 34-43, (2020)

Neutrosophic Ideal layers & Some Generalizations for GIS Topological Rules

A. A. Salama , Rafif Alhabib

This paper aims to introduce and study some new neutrosophic fuzzy pairwise notions via neutrosophic fuzzy ideals. We, also generalize the notion of FPL-open sets. In addition to generalizing the concept of FPL-closed sets and NPL-open function, the relationship between the above new neutrosophic Fuzzy pairwise notions and there other relevant classes are investigated. In Geographical information systems (GIS) there is a need to statistically model spatial regions with indeterminate boundary and under indeterminacy. Possible applications to GIS rules are touched upon.

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Vol. 8 Issue. 1 PP. 44-49, (2020)

On Refined Neutrosophic Hypervector Spaces

M.A. Ibrahim , A.A.A. Agboola , B.S. Badmus , S.A. Akinleye

This paper presents the refinement of neutrosophic hypervector spaces and studies some of its basic properties. Some basic definitions and important results are presented. The paper also establishes the existence of a good linear transformation between a weak refined neutrosophic hypervector space V (I1; I2) and a weak neutrosophic hypervector space V (I).

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Vol. 8 Issue. 1 PP. 50-71, (2020)