International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

On the Classification of n-Refined Neutrosophic Rings and Its Applications in Matrix Computing Algorithms and Linear Systems

Katy D. Ahmad , N.N.Thjeel , M.M. Abdul Zahra , R.A. Jaleel

This work is dedicated to classifying the general n-refined neutrosophic ring by building a ring isomorphism and the direct product of the corresponding classical rings with itself. On the other hand, we use the classification property to solve the problem of n-refined neutrosophic computing of Eigen values and Eigen vectors of an n-refined neutrosophic matrix. Also, it will be applied to solve n-refined linear systems and models.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 08-15, (2022)

Bipolar Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Differential Equation and its Application

M. Lathamaheswari , S. Sudha

Neutrosophic set plays a vital role in dealing with indeterminacy in real-world problems. Differential equations represent the relation between a function and its derivatives and its applications have importance in both pedagogical and real life. In this paper, neutrosophic differential equation is proposed and solved using bipolar trapezoidal neutrosophic number and applied the concept in predicting bacterial reproduction over separate bodies with graphical representation using MATLAB. Also, comparative analysis is done with the existing method to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 16-43, (2022)

Linguistic Neutrosophic Semi-Connectedness and Semi-Compactness

N. Gayathri , M.Helen

The notions of semi-connectedness and semi-compactness in linguistic neutrosophic topological space are presented and some of their properties are discussed in this study. Further, the idea of linguistic neutrosophic semi-compact space is instigated and investigated.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 44-50, ()

A Neutrosophic Analysis of Alimony in Students of Legal Age as a Fundamental Right to Education

Wilson C. Calle , Rogelio M. Carballido , Ned Q. Arnaiz

The right to food is closely related to the parent-child relationship and constitutes a right of the children and an obligation of the parents. Ecuadorian regulations seek to guarantee studies even when the children become adults and need to continue their academic training. University students are often forced to abandon their studies due to a lack of financial incentives. The objective of this study is to determine the factors that affect students' right to education when they reach the age of majority and the negative effects caused by the suspension of alimony. As a result, it is obtained through the use of the neutrosophic TOPSIS method to propose implementing legal reforms to extend alimony up to 24 years of age.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 60-71, (2022)

Comparative analysis of multicriteria methods based on single-valued neutrosophic numbers for the evaluation of medical technologies

M. F.O. Noboa , O. E.P. Copa , Eloísa A.N. G.

Decision-makers are often faced with complicated decision problems with intangible and conflicting criteria. Many methods are proposed to handle the inclusion of many and varied criteria that allow choosing the best alternative for a decision. The public health sector daily faces numerous complex situations that require the facilities provided by multicriteria methods. This research proposes a comparative analysis of multicriteria methods for the selection of health technologies. With this, it is proposed to check to what extent the selected MCDAs are capable of offering consistent results among themselves. Comparisons are made using the TOPSIS method and a modification of the PROMETHEE method, both in their neutrosophic versions, by using single-valued neutrosophic numbers. The results showed that both methods coincided in the order of preference given to each treatment. However, it is observed that the method based on PROMETHEE yields more detailed information on the elections' interiorities. The effectiveness of the methods used can be verified and their practical and feasible application in complex medical problems.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 72-82, (2022)

Factors conducive to Pregnancy during Adolescence in Ecuador through Neutrosophic Statistics

Nelson L. Sailmea , Edwin M.Solis , Ronelsys M.Martínez

Teenage pregnancy in Ecuador is a problem that continues to increase year after year. This, in addition to violating the rights of all girls and adolescents, perpetuates violence and inequality. Knowing the causes and consequences of teenage pregnancy allows planning action plans to combat them. The analysis of preliminary studies and surveys confirms levels of indeterminacy in the responses obtained for the study. This integration between neutrosophic sets makes it possible to reflect, through the representation of neutrosophic statistics, the level of deterioration of the factors that intervene in the full development from adolescence to adulthood. Consequently, the existing indeterminacy makes it necessary to model each element of the group studied to analyze the levels of deterioration associated with preventing teenage pregnancy in Ecuador.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 83-96, (2022)

Neutrosophic Analysis of Proposed Strategies for the Prevention of Domestic Accidents in Infants

Carlos E. Suárez , Lina E. Freir , Segundo S. L.Coque

Accidents in the child population are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, becoming a global public health problem today. The most affected population are children in the preschool stage, due to the vulnerability and dependency of the caregiver. The high demand for health services due to domestic accidents draws attention and the need arises to carry out actions that instruct mothers and relatives on their prevention. In the present investigation, a documentary review was conducted to know the main causes of domestic accidents. In addition, a survey was applied to a sample made up of mothers of children under five years of age, to evaluate their knowledge about domestic accidents and ways to prevent them, and risk perception. After analyzing the results obtained in the first part of the study, an expert consultation was carried out. The results were processed through multicriteria decision methods. This consultation made it possible to find feasible solutions for the proposed topic, achieving a proposal for an integral educational strategy.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 97-107, (2022)

Treatment Alternatives to Gingival Hyperpigmentation Using Neutrosophic Correlation Coefficients

Alex V.Herrera , Lenín G.Flores , José L.G.Delgado

Among the main techniques described in the literature for treating gingival melanosis are the use of chemical agents, free gingival grafts, abrasion with rotary or manual instruments (scalpel), cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen, gingivectomy and gingivoplasty, and the use of lasers. The present study implements a selective evaluation of therapeutic alternatives for gingival hyperpigmentation through the use of neutrosophic correlation coefficients. For this, a bibliographic review was carried out on the specialized documentary base to determine the main treatments in the matter of the object of study and the logic of neutrosophic sets, and the evaluation of experts. Using correlation coefficients between two single-valued neutrosophic numbers allowed the selection of a therapeutic alternative according to the experts' evaluations. This work allowed to verify the usefulness of neutrosophy as a means for solving complex real-life problems through the incorporation of uncertainties.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 108-115, (2022)

Application of Neutrosophic Techniques for the Selection of the in-Hospital Triage System

María F. L. Barragán , Raúl F.G. Montenegro , María De Lourdes L. C.

Multicriteria decision problems are present in all branches of life and present a high degree of complexity in determining a feasible solution. In the public health sector, decisions are even more delicate because they work not only with the direct influence of human needs but also with limited financial resources. Saturation in hospital emergency services occurs when the need identified exceeds the resources available for patient care in the emergency unit. One of the elements of primary regulatory effect on saturation levels in emergency services is undoubtedly an adequate triage system. The present study presents the application of multicriteria evaluation techniques as a method for the best selection of different types of triage according to certain pre-established parameters of interest. For them, we rely on a method that combines the TODIM and PROMETHEE methods to obtain the results. In addition, the neutrosophic single value sets based on the neutrosophic logic are used so that the indeterminate and inconsistent information typical of the real world can be adequately handled. The application of the method used demonstrates the efficiency of this kind of method in solving complex problems in real life and in different fields of society, particularly 

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 116-124, (2022)

Presumption of Innocence: Analysis of its Application using Neutrosophic Methods

Francisco A.G.Almache , Carlos R. H. Lomas , Josue R.L. Mina

The application of the principle of innocence in Ecuador has irregularities since there has been an abuse of preventive detention, violating the constitutional and normative principle of the presumption of innocence. The justification for the preventive detention lies in the alleged need to ensure the accused's appearance. This turns this form of insurance into an early conviction because by proving his innocence at the hearing,the accused has already been unjustly deprived of his freedom, which leads him to suffer another series of damages. Therefore, it is necessary to study the subject to determine how to achieve its proper application. Thus, the main objective of this research is to analyze the legal panorama on the adequate application of the principle of innocence. For this, the neutrosophic Iadov method was applied to measure satisfaction with the regulatory legislation to determine an action plan for its correct application with the use of neutrosophic cognitive maps.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 125-134, (2022)

Limiting Factors of Extenuating Circumstances Using Neutrosophic 2-Tuple

Marco S. Salgado , Yaneth V. Torres , Javier B. Remache

Every court is responsible for applying the law under the principles of fairness, justice, ethical-legal, and human value because it cannot be forgotten that every criminal is a human being. The foregoing is why the application of extenuating circumstances acquires a certain complexity. Currently, in Ecuador,certain situations cause mismanagement of justice due to a lack of understanding and assimilation of extenuating circumstances. Therefore, this is adopted as a problem situation, establishing as the main objective, to analyze the limiting factors in apply in extenuating circumstances using the 2-Tuple model in its neutrosophic extension.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 135-142, (2022)

Analysis of the application of extenuating circumstances using the Torgerson method with SVNN

Mónica I. M.Verdezoto , Alex F.S.Moreno , Pablo M.V. Acosta

The extenuating circumstances are a vital element allowing the reduction of the penalty for the committed crime. However, despite being regulated, they present certain inconsistencies in their application since it directly impacts the demonstration or not of the legal materiality of the offense and the accused's responsibility. Today in Ecuador, a situation of inapplicability persists in different parts of the country for which it is decided to carry out the present investigation. The objective is to study the main causes of the tendency to non-application of extenuating circumstances. For this, the work authors rely on the Torgerson method and single-valued neutrosophic numbers due to the facilities they offer for this type of analysis.Finally, to finish the work, possible solutions to mitigate the phenomenon analyzed are enunciated.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 143-150, (2022)

Compensatory Fuzzy Logic with Single Valued Neutrosophic Numbers in the Analysis of University Strategic Management

Jesús E. Ricardo , Ariel J. R. Fernández , Maikel Y. L. Vázquez

In today's university management, it is necessary to promote synchronous leadership as a strategy in the current environment deteriorated by the crisis caused by Covid-19. Therefore, the need to diagnose the strategic management of a higher education institution in Quito, Ecuador, which applies synchronous leadership in university management as part of a course project for business engineering students, is exposed as a problem situation. Consequently, it is stated as a specific objective: to carry out the strategic analysis through the SWOT matrix, applying compensatory fuzzy logic in its neutrosophic version for its processing. The results indicate that the institution must draw up strategies to better face the threats of the environment and take advantage of the opportunities.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 151-159, (2022)

Plithogenic CRITIC-MAIRCA Ranking of Feasible Livestock Feeding Stuffs

S.Sudha , Nivetha Martin , Said Broumi

The objective of any decision-making method in a plithogenic environment is to make an optimal ranking of the alternatives subjected to core essential criteria. The preference for plithogenic decision-making methods is gaining momentum in recent times as plithogenic representations are more comprehensive and efficient in handling uncertain and imprecise decision-making data. In this paper, a plithogenic CRITIC-MAIRCA decision-making model is developed and applied to decision-making on livestock feeding stuff. A total of 20 alternatives under three major feed categories of green fodder, subsidiary fodder and concentrate feed are ranked using MAIRCA (The Multi Attributive Ideal-Real Comparative Analysis) method and the criterion weights are determined using the method of CRITIC (CRiteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation). The final results of the plithogenic ranking are compared with fuzzy and crisp ranking methods and it is observed that the plithogenic CRITIC-MAIRCA method is highly efficient in making a feasible ranking.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 160-173, (2022)

Some Perfectly Continuous Functions via Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

Tunis M. Ali , Fatimah M. Mohammed

Our purpose in this paper, is to introduce some of new continuous functions, called fuzzy neutrosophic perfectly continuous, fuzzy neutrosophic almost perfectly continuous and fuzzy neutrosophic strongly continuous in the fuzzy neutrosophic topological spaces. We give some theorems, propositions and some necessary examples related to presented definitions. Then, we discuss the relations among the new defined functions.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 147-182, (2022)

On (βρn)-OS in Pythagorean Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

P. Basker , Broumi Said

In this paper, we introduce a new set called Pythagorean neutrosophic beta-open set with this concept, and we introduce interior and closure of Pythagorean neutrosophic beta-open set in a Pythagorean neutrosophic topological spaces by utilizing beta-open set and we introduce the chii, ii, iiibeta-spaces and di, ii, iiibetaspaces from the pair of distinct points and we have derived the necessary and sufficient conditions by utilizing beta-open sets. We also go through some containment relations for interiors and closures of beta-open sets and studied some of their characteristics.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 183-191, (2022)

On the Structure of Number of Neutrosophic Clopen Topological Space

Jili Basumatary , Bhimraj Basumatary , Said Broumi

Let X be a finite set having n elements. The formula for giving the number of topologies T(n) is still not obtained. If the number of elements n of a finite set is small, we can compute it by hand. However, the difficulty of finding the number of the topology increases when n becomes large. A topology describes how elements of a set are spatially related to each other, and the same set can have different topologies. Studying this particular area is also a highly valued part of the topology, and this is one of the fascinating and challenging research areas. Note that the explicit formula for finding the number of topologies is undetermined till now, and many researchers are researching this particular area. This paper is towards the formulae for finding the number of neutrosophic clopen topological spaces having two, three, four, and five open sets. In addition, some properties related to formulae are determined.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 192-203, (2022)

More on Neutrosophic Nano Open Sets

A. Vadivel , C. John Sundar , K. Kirubadevi , S. Tamilselvan

In this paper, we introduce the concepts of neutrosophic nano δ-open sets and some stronger and weaker forms of neutrosophic nano open sets in neutrosophic nano topological spaces. And, show that the set of all neutrosophic nano δ-open sets are also a neutrosophic nano topology, which is called the neutrosophic nano δ topology. Further, we dealt with the concepts of neutrosphic nano δ-interior and neutrosophic nano δ-closure operators. Moreover, we define the product related neutrosophic nano topological spaces and proved some theorems related to this.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 204-222, (2022)

Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Ideals of Hilbert Algebras

Aiyared Iampan , P. Jayaraman , S. D. Sudha , N. Rajesh

The concept of interval-valued neutrosophic sets (IVNSs) was first introduced by Wang et al. (Wang, H.; Smarandache, F.; Zhang, Y. Q.; Sunderraman, R. Interval neutrosophic sets and logic: Theory and applications in computing. Hexis, Phoenix, Ariz, USA, 2005.). In this paper, the concept of IVNSs to ideals of Hilbert algebras is introduced. The homomorphic inverse image of interval-valued neutrosophic ideals (IVN ideals) in Hilbert algebras is also studied and some related properties are investigated.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 223-237, (2022)

Types of Energy in Nover Top Graphs

G.Muthumari , R.Narmada Devi

Energy of graphs plays a vital role in the field of application in energy. Neutrosophic over top graph theory is more efficient and accurate results than other existing methods. In this research study, we present concepts of Energy, Laplaican energy and Signless laplacian energy in Nover top graphs. Describe some of their properties, develop relationship among them and their application.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 247-269, (2022)

Heptapartitioned neutrosophic soft set

S. Broumi , T. Witczak

The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of heptapartitioned neutrosophic soft set and to study some of its basic properties. This kind of set can be considered as a significant extension of the idea of neutrosophic set. In general, our research is based on the earlier study presented by Radha and Stanis Arul Mary in 2021. However, we combine their initial definition with the inspiring notion of soft set (which has been established by Molodtsov in 1999). We examine algebraic operations on our sets. Then we show that the particular choose of exactly seven neutrosophic logical values has an interesting interpretation in terms of ancient Jaina logic (which has been developed centuries ago in India to deal with imprecise knowledge and the matter of paraconsistency). Moreover, we exhibit some other potential practical applications of our theoretical concept. For example, it can be applied in widely understood social sciences.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 270-290, (2022)

Diabetic Neuropathy Severity Assessment: A Neutrosophic approach

R. Sundareswaran , V. Mahesh , Said Broumi , R. Dhanush Babu , M Vahini

In this work a Neutrosophic approach has been implemented to assess the severity of diabetic neuropathy. Vibratory Perception Threshold (VPT) data was acquired from 600 participants. The acquired data was utilised to obtain the various criteria to assess the severity of diabetic neuropathy which is a fatal consequence of Diabetes mellitus. A single valued Neutrosophic set was employed to assess and evaluate the given medical condition. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) was used to address the severity. The hybrid score accuracy function and the collective correlation of the decision matrices were calculated and were used to estimate the weights which ultimately aided in the ranking process. The results corroborated that Grade II neuropathy is the most severe condition and needs more conscientious diagnosis. 

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 291-300, (2022)

MCDM Problem using Generalized Dodecagonal Neutrosophic Number using Max – Min and Min – Max Principle

L.Jeromia Anthvanet , A. Rajkumar , D.Nagarajan , Broumi Said

Deciding is the most vital part in any situation or problem that we face in our real time atmosphere. It is the situation where we must decide on the available choices. We have introduced Dodecagonal Neutrosophic Number and its properties. The concept of max-min and min-max principle is applied to the problem that is taken. The concept of heavy ordered weighted averaging operator by assigning equal weights to the attributes and a solution is found for a MCDM problem.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 301-312, (2022)

Distance of Similarity Measure under Neutrosophic Sets to Assess the Challenges of IoT in Supply Chain and COVID-19

R. Martínez Martínez , P. E. Acurio Padilla , J. E. Jami Carrera

The globe has been coping with the COVID-19 epidemic, eagerly awaiting the completion of the vaccine process. Despite the Internet of Things (IoT) and its effect on supply networks, the recent epidemic has brought unprecedented supply chain disruptions. To assess the relevance of these issues, we speak with leading specialists. A novel distance-based similarity metric based on neutrosophic set theory is being used in this research to examine IoT challenges in the supply chain. The proofs for each of the properties are provided straightforwardly.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 313-322, (2022)

Neutrosophic Near-Subtraction Semigroups and its Application

F. Viscaino Naranjo , A. R. León Yacelga , B. E. Villalta Jadan

Potential mechanisms for dealing with water resources are provided by water resource management (WRM). To determine agricultural water resources, a new multi-criteria water resource management approach was created in this work. The management of agricultural water resources has become a major issue in the current circumstances. To create this circumstance, a multi-criteria approach is required. We were able to address a real-world water resource management issue using the suggested multi-criteria decision-making technique. The neutrosophic TOPSIS environment has been taken into account in this decision-making dilemma. Summertime water demand is high, and towards the end of summer, when monsoon season arrives, water demand is low in the agricultural field. During the monsoon season, it is not uncommon for rain to fall just in parts. In agriculture, growing crops during the monsoon season was difficult at the time. As a result, the nature of the water shortage in this area is non-linear and unclear. Because of this, we suggested an MCDM technique for WRM issues in a neutrosophic TOPSIS -environment context.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 323-333, (2022)

Construction of Sanda Teaching risk assessment index system using neutrosophic AHP method

A. B. Bonilla Rodríguez , M. F. Cueva Moncayo , F. B. Morocho Quinchuela

To build a strong country, build strong teaching. But teaching surrounding multiple risks. So this paper aims to identify and assess risks in teaching. The assessment risks in sanda teaching is a critical task and contain multiple conflict criteria. So we use Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). In this paper, we use an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to rank and compute each criterion's weights. We use five main and twenty sub-criteria. These criteria were evaluated under a neutrosophic environment—an example provided to present the outcomes of the proposed model. 

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 334-343, (2022)

Application of new media retrieval system based on Neutrosophic in marketing

S. del Rocío Á. Hernández , L. Álvarez Gómez , Miriam J. P. Burbano

The new media is a crucial ply role in the market. The new media growth rapidly in the market so, select consumers and companies for competition. So, the new media is a complex task for companies and firms. The new media retrieval contains much content such as image retrieval, audio and video retrieval. The new media retrieval contains many criteria, and each criterion contains sub-criteria. So, use an MCDM method for dealing with this problem. The new media retrieval system is analyzing under a neutrosophic environment. The Decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) integrated with single-valued neutrosophic. DEMATEL method used to show importance and impact criteria of new media retrieval for helping companies in market competition. An example is provided for showing calculations.       

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 344-354, (2022)

N-Cylindrical Fuzzy Neutrosophic Sets

Sarannya Kumari R , Sunny Kalayathankal , Mathews George , Florentin Smarandache

In this paper, we introduce a new type of fuzzy Neutrosophic set called n-Cylindrical fuzzy Neutrosophic set (n-CyFNS), with I as independent neutrosophic component. The n-CyFNS can be claimed as the largest extension of fuzzy sets. In n-CyFNS, the degree of positive, neutral and negative membership functions are satisfying the condition, 0≤ βA(x) ≤1 and 0≤ αA n(x) + γAn(x) ≤ 1, n>1, is an integer.  Also the distance between two n- CyFNS and its properties are also defined. Along with basic operations on n- CyFNSs, we put forward two concepts-Neutrosophic affinity degree & Neutrosophic similarity index which is used to compare and correlate n-CyFNSs respectively. A comparison is made in the n-CyFNS environment using the existing correlation measures to check its reliability.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 355-374, (2022)

Shortest Path Problem on Neutrosophic Environment using Modified Circle Breaking Algorithm

Amala S. Richard , A.Rajkumar , D.Nagarajan , Broumi Said

Neutrosophic set (NS) is generalization of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set(IFS) and Fuzzy Set (FS) where  Neutrosophic Set(NS) is the collection of Membership, Non-Membership, Indeterminacy Membership of the constituent element. This paper includes the modified circle breaking techinque which is used to evaluate the Shortest Path Problem in which edge weight are protrayed in Single Valued Linear Heptagonal Neutrosophic Number (SVLHNN) and an numerical illustration is given for the efficiency of the given algorithm.

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Vol. 18 Issue. 4 PP. 385-394, (2022)