International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Extended Uncertainty Principle for Inventory Control: An Updated Review of Environments and Applications

Ankit Dubey , Ranjan Kumar

This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation and categorization of the various uncertain environment employed by researchers and scientists to model and analyze inventory management systems in diverse sectors, including healthcare, supply chain, and routing issues. Additionally, it examines the challenges associated with the classical inventory model and introduces the concepts of fuzzy theory and the extended fuzzy principle in inventory management. The article presents important definitions related to fuzzy theory, including the fuzzy inventory model and its challenges. It also explores the applications of the extended fuzzy principle in real-life problems. The study focuses on inventory management under the extended fuzzy principle (Intuitionistic, Neutrosophic, Pythagorean, and so on), considering uncertain demand and imprecise data. The research contributes to the field by providing insights into the potential of fuzzy theory in overcoming the challenges of classical models and improving decision-making in inventory management.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 08-20, (2023)

New certain classes of Generalized Neutrosophic Mappings and Their Applications

Alaa M. F. AL. Jumaili

The main objective of the present this article is to apply another generalized form of neutrosophic open sets namely,neutrosophic δ-ß-open sets to introduce and study a completely description for another new concept of generalized neutrosophic continuous maps namely, neutrosophic δ-ß-continuous maps in neutrosophic topological spaces. Several of the fundamental properties related to this kind of neutrosophic continuous maps have been investigated. In addition, the interrelationships between this kind of maps and other well-known related neutrosophic maps have been discussed. On the other hand, new class of generalized neutrosophic maps namely, neutrosophic δ-ß-irresolute maps has been studied, and some of the essential properties concerning of this class of generalized neutrosophic maps have been introduced. Moreover, various suitable examples to support of these results have been provided.  

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 21-29, (2023)

An approach to singular modules by indeterminacy concept

Majid Mohammed Abed , Abdulsalam F. Talak , Firas N. Hameed

In this article, we characterize a singular module and present several new strong relationships with neutrosophic (NC) properties. Some properties and characterizations neutrosophic of singular modules are given. Also, different basic results about these modules are considered. Moreover; for a (R  I)-module; if NC(M I) over NC(R I), then NC(Z(M I)) ≤ NC(M I). Any neutrosophic simple module is either nonsingular or singular. On the other hand, if NC(RUI) has no zero divisors then NC(Z(MUI)) = NC(T(MUI)) where NC(T(MUI)) is a neutrosophic torsion module.  Finally, some definitions and properties of neutrosophic singular module have been presented in this article.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 30-35, (2023)

Neutrosophic exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution: Properties and Applications

Mazin M. Alanaz , Zakariya Yahya Algamal

In the field of survival analysis, the exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution is used to simulate lifetime data practices of human. In order to describe diverse survival data with indeterminacies, this work aims to create a generalization of the traditional pattern exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution, referred to as the neutrosophic exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution (NEIRD). In particular, modeling uncertain data that is roughly positively skewed makes use of the established distribution. The key statistical characteristics of the developed NEIRD, such as the neutrosophic survival function, neutrosophic hazard rate and neutrosophic moments, are discussed in this study. Additionally, in a neutrosophic well-known maximum likelihood estimation approach is used to estimate the neutrosophic parameters. A simulation study is conducted to determine whether the estimated neutrosophic parameters were achieved. Last but not least, real data has been used to discuss the potential NEIRD applications in the real world. The effectiveness of the suggested model in comparison to the existing distributions was demonstrated by real data.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 36-42, (2023)

Study of the Effectiveness of Hypopressive Abdominal Training as Physiotherapeutic Treatment in Lumbosciatica in Adults Using Neutrosophic Statistics

Lisbeth Josefina Reales C. , Victoria E. Pastor , Rosa E. Aldaz Sanchez , Josselyn G. Bonilla Ayala

This work was developed at the Dr. Publio Escobar Gómez Hospital in Ecuador. The objective is to reduce pain and tone the abdominal and back muscles in adults with lumbosciatica through the application of hypopressive abdominal training to help reintroduce the adult to their work and social activities. We worked with a population of 25 male and female adult patients, with an age range from 30 to 50 years old. To process the collected data, we determined that classical statistics are too restrictive in terms of the hypotheses to fulfill. For example, the initial evaluation employing the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) that assesses the intensity of pain is subjective and depends on the pain threshold of each patient, moreover, the size of the population is not large (<30), therefore it is not possible to carry out a study with the rigor required by classical statistics to infer. That is why we have decided to use neutrosophic statistics to process the data, which will consist of pain scales in the form of intervals, which will contain indeterminacy. The statistical test selected was the T-test for paired samples. In addition to the fact that neutrosophic statistics admit the principles of De Finetti's subjective probabilities and the statistics derived from it, where objective evidence through a random sample is not needed to reach valid conclusions.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 43-53, (2023)

A Neutrosophic approach to Youth University Entrepreneurship in Peru, Based on the Indeterminate Likert Scale

Ketty M. Moscoso-Paucarchuco , Edgar Gutiérrez-Gómez , M. Michael Beraún-Espíritu , Rosa C. González-Ríos , Mary A. Cárdenas-Bustamante

This paper aims to determine the level of potential and effective capacity of university youth entrepreneurship in Peru, analyzed from the indicators of social skills, attitude towards opportunities, cognitive skills, positive self-assessment and continuity, and finally coping skills. The research was carried out in four public and private universities in the country (National Autonomous University of Huanta, National University San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Universidad Peruana los Andes, and Universidad Continental), and the sample was 120 students, 30 from each university. A survey of 50 questions was used, 25 of each dimension, the instrument was validated by expert judgment, with a very good applicability opinion. The authors of the article decided to replace the traditional Likert scale with an Indeterminate Likert Scale since in this way the opinion of the respondents is more accurately taken into account. The Indeterminate Likert Scale allows the respondent to give a degree of opinion in every one of the possible answers, instead of selecting a single answer. In this way, the respondent can more reliably express their feelings and thoughts that may contain contradictions. The survey was supported by a graph that allowed the respondents to make the evaluations without the need to delve into the neutrosophic theory. The survey data were statistically processed to carry out the study with the help of Spearman's rho coefficient.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 54-64, (2023)

Neutrosophic Lindley distribution with application for Alloying Metal Melting Point

Mazin M. Alanaz , Marwah Yahya Mustafa , Zakariya Yahya Algamal

In the field of survival analysis, the Lindley distribution is used to mimic methods used with human lifespan data. A variety of survival statistics with indeterminacies are intended to be characterized by the neutrosophic Lindley distribution (NLD). In example, modeling unknown data that is roughly positively skewed makes use of the established distribution. The neutrosophic survival function, neutrosophic hazard rate, and neutrosophic moments are three of the developed NLD's major statistical features that are discussed in this article. Additionally, the well-known maximum likelihood estimation method is used to estimate the neutrosophic parameters. A simulation study is conducted to see whether the projected neutrosophic parameters were attained. Not to mention that discussions of prospective NLD real-world applications have made use of actual data. To demonstrate how well the suggested model performed in comparison to the existing distributions, actual data were used.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 65-71, (2023)

Advancing Covid-19 Data Modeling: Introducing a Neutrosophic Extension of Ramous Louzada Distribution

Sundus Naji Al-Aziz , Irsa Sajjad , Javid Gani Dar , Abd Al-Aziz H. EL Bagoury

In this research, we introduce a neutrosopic extension of the Ramous Louzada Distribution called the Inverse Ramous Louzada Distribution. We delve into several mathematical properties of this distribution, including the Survival function, Hazard Rate function, cumulative Hazard Rate function, and estimation technique. Moreover, we conduct a comparative analysis between the Inverse Weibull distribution and the traditional Ramous Louzada Distribution, which are two widely used distributions. Our aim is to assess the performance of the developed model through Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), Standard Error (SE), and Goodness of Fit tests.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 72-83, (2023)

Neutrosophic set theory applied to Hilbert algebras

Aiyared Iampan , N. Rajesh , B. Brundha

In this paper, the notions of neutrosophic subalgebras, neutrosophic ideals, and neutrosophic deductive systems of Hilbert algebras are introduced, and some related properties are investigated. Relations between the notions are given. Finally, we study the properties of homomorphism of Hilbert algebras.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 84-93, (2023)

A Review of Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems Under Uncertain Environments

Shubham Kumar Tripathi , Ranjan Kumar

This review article focuses on the integration of Neutrosophic Set Theory and Extended Fuzzy Set Theory in the context of Linear Programming (LP) problems. Neutrosophic set theory deals with uncertain, imprecise, and indeterminate information, while Extended Fuzzy Set Theory extends the classical fuzzy set theory to handle more complex and nuanced membership degrees. The combination of these two frameworks provides a powerful toolset for modeling and solving LP problems in environments where uncertainty and ambiguity are prevalent. This review aims to analyze and summarize the existing literature on Neutrosophic Linear Programming problems in extended fuzzy environments, exploring the theoretical foundations and practical applications. The review article seeks to contribute to the understanding of these integrated approaches and their potential for addressing decision-making problems under complex and uncertain conditions.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 94-105, (2023)

A Neutrosophic Model for Ranking Technical Sol utions for Three Types of ARP Attacks in SDN Architecture

Ehab R. Mohamed , Heba M. Mansour , Osama M. El-Komy

Software-defined networks (SDN) have developed an understanding of the technological world in recent decades, which has led scholars to become interested in its problems. One of the primary issues facing SDN networks is security. We discovered that ARP assaults constitute a significant threat to SDN, so we provided in this survey the most recent solutions put forth to counteract these attacks, and rank the technical solutions based on the neutrosophic set. The neutrosophic set is used to deal with uncertain data in the evaluation process. The neutrosophic set is integrated with the TOPSIS method to obtain the rank of the proposed solutions. The TOPSIS method is used to give a rank of alternatives with specified criteria. This will make it easier for future researchers to identify and combat the three different forms of ARP attacks—ARP flooding assault, ARP spoofing attack, and ARP broadcasting attack. Prior to that, we went into more detail on SDN networks, including their design and, in particular, the shortcomings of the ARP protocol. Since SDN focuses on separating the controller plane from the data plane and centralizing the controller, it differs significantly from traditional networks and has stirred considerable controversy in the networking industry. Due to the fact that SDN is software-based, it offers greater flexibility, scalability, programmatic management, and control. The decoupling of the control and forwarding planes also enables SDN to connect to applications via application programming interfaces (APIs), supporting application security and performance and resulting in a scalable and dynamic network architecture. Contrarily, because traditional networks are hardware-based, they must use fixed functions and specialized hardware and devices to control the network. As a result, scaling traditional networks requires purchasing new hardware, which is a common issue. The SDN network architecture and its properties, as well as the most significant issues—particularly the three different types of ARP attacks that affect SDN—are covered in some sections of this research. These sections also discuss the best current remedies for these issues and outline the ongoing work that will eventually result in an ideal SDN network architecture free of significant security issues.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 106-126, (2023)

Algebraic Operations on Pythagorean neutrosophic sets (PNS): Extending Applicability and Decision-Making Capabilities

Jamiatun Nadwa Ismail , Zahari Rodzi , Faisal Al-Sharqi , Ashraf Al-Quran , Hazwani Hashim , Nor Hashimah Sulaiman

Pythagorean neutrosophic sets (PNS) have been recognized as a highly effective mechanism for managing situations characterized by indeterminacy and inconsistency within decision-making procedures. This paper delves into the examination of algebraic operations performed on PNS, thereby expanding their scope of application, and enhancing their utility. In this study, we put forth a set of algebraic operations that can be applied to PNS. These operations encompass addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication, and power. These operations facilitate the efficient manipulation and combination of PNS, thereby enhancing decision-making in scenarios characterized by uncertainty and vagueness. To demonstrate the efficacy of these operations, we will present several illustrative examples accompanied by corroborating proofs. The introduction of algebraic operations enhances the capabilities of PNS, thereby creating opportunities for their practical application.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 127-134, (2023)

Reverse Sharp and Left-T Right-T Partial Ordering on Neutrosophic Fuzzy Matrices

M. Anandhkumar , T. Harikrishnan , S. M. Chithra , V. Kamalakannan , B. Kanimozhi , Broumi Said

In this paper, we introduce the concept of reverse sharp ordering on Neutrosophic Fuzzy matrix (NFM) as a special case of minus ordering. We also introduce the concept of reverse left-T and right-T orderings for NFM as an analogue of left-star and right-star partial orderings for complex matrices. Several properties of these ordering are derived. We show that these ordering preserve its Moore-penrose inverse property. Finally, we show that these ordering are identical for certain class of NFM.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 135-145, (2023)

On The Group of Units Classification In 3-Cyclic and 4-cyclic Refined Rings of Integers And The Proof of Von Shtawzens' Conjectures

Hasan Sankari , Mohammad Abobala

First Von Shtawzen's Diophantine equation is a non-linear Diophantine equation with three variables . This equation has been conjectured that it has a finite number of integer solutions, and this number of solutions is divisible by 6. Second Von Shtawzen's Diophantine equation is a non-linear Diophantine equation with four variables. This equation has been conjectured that it has a finite number of integer solutions, and this number of solutions is divisible by 8. In this paper, we prove that first Von Shtawzen's conjecture is true, where we show that first Von Shtawzen's Diophantine equations has exactly 12 solutions. On the other hand, we find all solutions of this Diophantine equations. In addition, we provide a full proof of second Von Shtawzen's conjecture, where we prove that the previous Diophantine equation has exactly 16 solutions, and we determine all of its possible solutions

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 146-154, (2023)

The Geometrical Characterization for The Solutions of a Vectorial Equation By Using Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers and Other Generalizations Of Real Numbers

Yaser Ahmad Alhasan , Lee Xu , Raja Abdullah Abdulfatah , Abuobida M. Ahmed Alfahal

The main goal of this paper is to study the geometrical characterization of the solutions for a vectorial equation defined in the two/three dimensional Euclidean spaces. The geometrical characterization of the solutions for the desired vectorial equation is obtained for many different values of t based on the circles and spheres in some generalizations of the real field, especially dual numbers, weak fuzzy complex numbers split-complex numbers, and complex numbers.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 155-159, (2023)

On the Fuzzy Semi-Unital Rings and Their Algebraic Properties

Abuobida M. Ahmed Alfahal , Raja Abdullah Abdulfatah , Lee Xu , Yaser Ahmad Alhasan

Fuzzy rings are considered as generalizations of classical rings, where they are defined by using the fuzzical membership function. This paper is dedicated to defining and study fuzzy semi-unital ring of order n in a similar way to the same classical type of rings, where many elementary properties will be discussed in terms of theorems with many related examples that clarify the validity of this work.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 160-164, (2023)

Further Algebraic Operations on Interval Critical Valued Neutrosophic Soft Sets with Their Application

Riyam K. Manfe

Deli developed the idea of interval-valued neutrosophic soft set (IVNSS) as an extension of soft set (SS) theory. The interval-valued neutrosophic soft set (IVNSS) plays a critical role in handling indeterminacy and inconsistent information during the decision-making process. Similar to other models, this newly proposed model has to fulfil some algebraic operations. The aim of this paper is to present further algebraic operations for the IVNSSs. Some algebraic operations on IVNSSs are introduced. Specifically, algebraic operations of addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication, and power for the IVNSSs are presented. As well, many examples are also presented, along with supporting proofs.In addition, we explained the mechanism of using these algebraic operations in solving decision-making problems.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 165-171, (2023)

Cubic Spherical Neutrosophic Sets

S. Gomathi , S. Krishnaprakash , M. Karpagadevi , Said Broumi

This paper introduces the concept of cubic spherical neutrosophic sets (CSNSs), a geometric representation of neutrosophic sets, as well as a specification of its operational principles. In CSNs, two aggregation operators are investigated. The shape of CSNSs represents the evaluation values of alternatives with respect to criteria in a MCDM strategy based on the two aggregation operators and cosine distance for CSNSs. The cosine distance between an alternative and the ideal alternative is used to rank them, and the best alternative(s) can be selected. A numerical example concludes by demonstrating the use of the suggested method.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 172-180, (2023)

MADM Strategy Application of Bipolar Single Valued Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic Set

Myvizhi M. , Ahmed M. Ali , Ahmed Abdelhafeez , Haitham Rizk Fadlallah

The fundamental goal of this study is to propose the concept of a bipolar single-valued heptapartitioned neutrosophic set (BSVHNS). We also outline the fundamental of BSVHNS traits and illustrate a few sample theorems. We define the fundamentals of the properties of the accuracy and scoring functions for the BSVHNS. The bipolar single-valued heptapartitioned mean in neutrosophic arithmetic (BSVHMNA) operator and the bipolar single-valued heptapartitioned mean in neutrosophic geometric (BSVHMNG) operator are defined and their fundamental properties are established in this article. We develop two Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) strategies in the context of the BSVHNS environment: One is BSVHNS-MADM strategy which is on the BSVHMNA operator and another one is BSVHNS-MADM strategy which is on the BSVHMNG operator. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed procedures using a numerical example drawn from the actual world.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 181-194, (2023)

Evaluation the Key Success Factors in Emergency Management using Neutrosophic DEMATEL Method

Ahmed E. Fakhry , Ahmed M. Ali , Ahmed Abdelhafeez , Alshaimaa A. Tantawy

Critical to protecting people, property, and communities from the devastating effects of catastrophes and other crises is the field of emergency management. Effective emergency management relies on several aspects that must be identified and prioritized if positive results are to be achieved. Preparedness, planning, leadership, governance, information management, resource management, community participation, resilience, and a culture of continuous improvement are all discussed in this article as crucial elements of emergency management. Professionals in emergency management may strengthen their talents, boost response coordination, and instill resilience by learning about and using these elements. This paper used multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) to deal with the various factors of emergency management. The decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method is used to compute the weights of criteria and relationships between factors in emergency management. The DEMATEL method is integrated with the neutrosophic set to deal with uncertain data. There are six main factors and nineteen sub-factors are used in this paper. We obtained the Preparedness and Planning is the best factor.

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Vol. 21 Issue. 4 PP. 195-207, (2023)