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International Journal of Neutrosophic Science
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Remark on Artificial Intelligence, humanoid and Terminator scenario: A Neutrosophic way to futurology
Volume 5 Table of Contents
Single Valued Neutrosophic Filters
A New Score Function of Pentagonal Neutrosophic Number and its Application in Networking Problem
MBJ-neutrosophic T-ideal on B-algebra
A Direct Model for Triangular Neutrosophic Linear Programming
A Single Valued Neutrosophic Inventory Model with Neutrosophic Random Variable
Multiplicative Interpretation of Neutrosophic Cubic Set on B-Algebra
Neutrosophy for physiological data compression: in particular by neural nets using deep learning
There is No Constant in Physics: a Neutrosophic Explanation
Plithogenic set for multi-variable data analysis
Three Possible Applications of Neutrosophic Logic in Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Volume 1-Table of Contents
Introduction to Neutrosophic Subtraction Algebra and Neutrosophic Subtraction Semigroup
Some Results on Single Valued Neutrosophic (Weak) Polygroups
NeutroAlgebra is a Generalization of Partial Algebra
Uncertainty: two probabilities for the three states of neutrosophy
Magnification of MBJ-Neutrosophic Translation on G-Algerbra
Thinking on Thinking: The Elementary forms of Mental Life Neutrosophical representation as enabling cognitive heuristics
How we can extend the standard deviation notion with neutrosophic interval and quadruple neutrosophic numbers
Refined Neutrosophic Rings I
On αω-closed sets and its connectedness in terms of neutrosophic topological spaces
Refined Neutrosophic Rings II
Volume 2 - Table of Contents
Image and Inverse Image of Neutrosophic Cubic Sets in UP-Algebras under UP-Homomorphisms
Linear and Non-Linear Octagonal Neutrosophic Numbers: Its Representation, α-Cut and Applications
The Concept of Neutrosophic Limits in Real Sequences
Using Moving Averages To Pave The Neutrosophic Time Series
Application of Pentagonal Neutrosophic Number in Shortest Path Problem
Neutrosophic ℵ–Ideals (ℵ-Subalgebras) of Subtraction Algebra
An Approach to Solve the Linear Programming Problem Using Single Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number
Utilization of Jaccard Index Measures on Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making under Neutrosophic Environment
New Technology in Agriculture Using Neutrosophic Soft Matrices with the Help of Score Function
On single valued neutrosophic sets and neutrosophic א-structures: Applications on algebraic structures (hyperstructures)
On neutrosophic nano αg# ψ-closed sets in neutrosophic nano topological spaces
A Study of the Integration of Neutrosophic Thick Function
Erlang Service Queueing Model with Neutrosophic Parameters
On Neutro-BE-algebras and Anti-BE-algebras
Elementary Examination of NeutroAlgebras and AntiAlgebras viz-a-viz the Classical Number Systems
On Neutrosophic Quadruple Hypervector Spaces
ON Neutrosophic Crisp Supra Bi-Topological Spaces
Exponential Laws and Aggregation Operators on Neutrosophic Cubic Sets
Volume 3 - Table of Contents
On Some Special Substructures of Neutrosophic Rings and Their Properties
A new ranking function of triangular neutrosophic number and its application in integer programming
A Review on Superluminal Physics and Superluminal Communication in light of the Neutrosophic Logic perspective
AH-Subspaces in Neutrosophic Vector Spaces
The Special Neutrosophic Functions
Proposal for a new theory of neutrosophic application of the evidence in the Ecuadorian criminal process
Volume 4 Table of Contents
Pairwise Pythagorean Neutrosophic Strongly Irresolvable Spaces (with dependent neutrosophic components between T and F)
Introduction to NeutroGroups
A New Trend to Extensions of CI-algebras
A SVTrN-number approach of multi-objective optimisation on the basis of simple ratio analysis based on MCDM method
On Refined Neutrosophic Algebraic Hyperstructures I
Dominating Energy in Neutrosophic graphs
On Some Special Substructures of Refined Neutrosophic Rings
On Refined Neutrosophic R-module
Classical Homomorphisms Between Refined Neutrosophic Rings and Neutrosophic Rings
Operations on Single-Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Numbers using (α,β,γ)-Cuts “Maple Package”
Neutrosophic Event-Based Queueing Model
Plithogenic Subjective Hyper-Super-Soft Matrices with New Definitions & Local, Global, Universal Subjective Ranking Model
Volume 6 Table of Contents
On Refined Neutrosophic Quotient Groups
n- Refined Neutrosophic Rings
Application of the neutrosophic system to tax havens with a criminal approach
Classical Logic as a subclass of Neutrosophic Logic
Neutrosophic Crisp Semi Separation Axioms In Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Spaces
On Refined Neutrosophic Vector Spaces I
Plithogenic n-Super Hypergraph in Novel Multi-Attribute Decision Making
Introduction to NeutroRings
Classical Homomorphisms Between n-Refined Neutrosophic Rings
AH-Substructures in Neutrosophic Modules
A Note On Neutrosophic Soft Menger Topological Spaces
A Short Remark on Vortex as Fluid Particle from Neutrosophic Logic perspective (Towards “fluidicle” or “vorticle” model of QED.)
n-Refined Neutrosophic Vector Spaces
A New Approach Of Neutrosophic Topological space
Volume 7 Table of Contents
Generalized Weighted Exponential Similarity Measures of Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets
Introduction to AntiGroups
Concepts of Neutrosophic Complex Numbers
Octagonal Neutrosophic Number: Its Different Representations, Properties, Graphs and De-neutrosophication with the application of Personnel Selection
Weakly b-Closed Sets and Weakly b-Open Sets based of Fuzzy Neutrosophic bi-Topological Spaces
Neutrosophic Ideal layers & Some Generalizations for GIS Topological Rules
On Refined Neutrosophic Hypervector Spaces
Volume 8 - Table of Contents
Pre Separation Axioms In Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Spaces
A short remark on Bong Han duct system (PVS) as a Neutrosophic bridge between Eastern and Western Medicine paradigms
Online Analytical Processing Operations via Neutrosophic Systems
A Note on Neutrosophic Submodule of an R-module M
Homomorphism and Isomorphism in strong neutrosophic graphs
A short remark on Gödel incompleteness theorem and its self-referential paradox from Neutrosophic Logic perspective
n-Refined Neutrosophic Groups I
On Neutrosophic Crisp Relations
n-Refined Neutrosophic Groups II
A Contribution to Neutrosophic Groups
Star Neutrosophic Fuzzy Topological Space
Neutrosophic Quotient Algebra
Neutrosophic Crisp B-Functions
Volume 0- 2019 ToC
Plithogenic Cognitive Maps in Decision Making
On Refined Neutrosophic Vector Spaces II
Aggregation Operators of Bipolar Neutrosophic Soft Sets and It’s Applications In Auto Car Selection
Neutrosophic Environment for Traffic Control Management
A Suggested Diagnostic System of Corona Virus based on the Neutrosophic Systems and Deep Learning
Decision Support Modeling For Agriculture Land Selection Based On Sine Trigonometric Single Valued Neutrosophic Information
A Study of AH-Substructures in n-Refined Neutrosophic Vector Spaces
On Refined Neutrosophic Hypergroup
The Natural Bases of Neutrosophy
AH-Substructures in Strong Refined Neutrosophic Modules
Volume 8 - Table of Contents
Introduction to Neutrosophic Hypernear-rings
A Note on Neutrosophic Polynomials and Some of Its Properties
The Polar form of a Neutrosophic Complex Number
Nonagonal Neutrosophic Linear Non-Linear Numbers, Alpha Cuts and Their Applications using TOPSIS
An Expanded Model of Unmatter from Neutrosophic Logic perspective: Towards Matter-Spirit Unity View
A Note on Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets in Ordered Groupoids
On Finite NeutroGroups of Type-NG[1,2,4]
A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces
Interval-Valued Triangular Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problem
Topsis by Using Plithogenic Set in Covid-19 Decision Making
Volume 10 - Table of Contents
Estimating the Ratio of a Crisp Variable and a Neutrosophic Variable
A Novel Approach for Assessing the Reliability of Data Contained in a Single Valued Neutrosophic Number and its Application in Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Plithogenic Cubic Sets
Interval Valued Neutrosophic Shortest Path Problem by A* Algorithm
Cryptography in Terms of Triangular Neutrosophic Numbers with Real Life Applications
An Analysis on Novel Corona Virus by a Plithogenic Approach to Fuzzy Cognitive Map
A New Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method with Single-Valued Neutrosophic Graphs
On Finite and Infinite NeutroRings of Type-NR[8,9]
The General Exponential form of a Neutrosophic Complex Number
Pythagorean Neutrosophic Fuzzy Graphs
Volume 11 - Table of Contents
True-False Set is a particular case of the Refined Neutrosophic Set
An Introduction to Neutro-Fine Topology with Separation Axioms and Decision Making
Neutrosophic Vague Incidence Graph
Neutrosophic Soft Block Matrices And Some Of Its Properties
Decision Making on Teachers’ adaptation to Cybergogy in Saturated Interval- valued Refined Neutrosophic overset /underset /offset Environment
n-Cyclic Refined Neutrosophic Algebraic Systems of Sub-Indeterminacies, An Application to Rings and Modules
Completeness and Compactness in Standard Single Valued Neutrosophic Metric Spaces
Applications of Neutrosophic Logic of Smart Agriculture via Internet of Things
Volume 12 - Table of Contents
A Novel Routing Network Algorithm Via Neutrosphic Fuzzy Set Approach
Introduction to Neutrosophic Genetics
Structure, NeutroStructure, and AntiStructure in Science
Neutrosophic Soft Filter Structures Concerning Soft Points
PROMTHEE Plithogenic Pythagorean Hypergraphic Approach in Smart Materials Selection
Novel Idea of Gδ-α-Locally Continuous Functions
Neutrosophic δ-Open Maps and Neutrosophic δ-Closed Maps
COVID-19 Decision-Making Model using Extended Plithogenic Hypersoft Sets with Dual Dominant Attributes
Leading From Powerlessness: A Third-way Neutrosophic Leadership Model For Developing Countries
Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Pythagorean Soft Set
Linear and Non-Linear Decagonal Neutrosophic numbers: Alpha Cuts, Representation, and solution of large MCDM problems
Remark on Neutrosophic Genetics: A generalized way towards five schemes of Mutation and Transmutation
Neutrosophic Soft Bitopological Spaces
A Review On Some Concepts and Open Questions In Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures
Introduction to Neutrosophic Soft Bitopological Spaces
Application of Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Sets in Decision Making Based on Game Theory
On Neutrosophic Fuzzy Ideal Concepts
Predictive Modeling of Financial Crisis Using Advanced Classification Models Powered by Neutrosophic Fusion of Rough Set Theory
A Review On Some Neutrosophic Algebraic Linear Structures
n-Cyclic Refined Neutrosophic Groups
Generalized Possibility Neutrosophic Soft Set And Its Application
A study of refined neutrosophic complex numbers and their algebriac properties
Neutrosophic Differential Equations That Translate Into Linear
A Short Note On The Solution Of n-Refined Neutrosophic Linear Diophantine Equations
Introduction to Neutrosophic Reliability Theory
Indeterminacy in Neutrosophic Theories and their Applications
Single-valued Plithogenic graph for handling multi-valued attribute data and its context
Plıthogenıc Combıned Dısjoınt Block Fuzzy Cognıtıve Maps (Pcdbfcm)
New Operators Using Neutrosophic Crisp Open Set
Neutrosophic Number Sequences: An introductory Study
New approach towards (ζ1, ζ2)-interval valued Q1 neutrosophic subbisemirings of bisemirings and its extension
Special Single Valued Decagonal Neutrosophic Number and its Applications
Analyses the least cost using Travelling Salesman problem through Neutrosophic Fuzzy system
The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules
Medical diagnosis decision making using type-II generalized Pythagorean neutrosophic interval valued soft sets
New algebraic extension of interval valued Q-neutrosophic normal subbisemirings of bisemirings
Nψ#0 α and Nψ#1 α-spaces in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Direct Product of Neutrosophic h-ideal in INK-Algebra
Neutrosophic MCDM Approach for Performance Evaluation and Recommendation of Best Players in Sports League
Separation Axioms on Bipolar Hypersoft Topological Spaces
More on Single Valued Neutrosophic R-dynamic Vertex Coloring and R-dynamic Edge Coloring of graphs
Air Quality Index Analysis Using Single-Valued Neutrosophic Plithogenic Graph for Multi-Decision Process
The static model of inventory management without a deficit with Neutrosophic logic
Neutrsophic Health Analysis in Times of COVID-19
Certain Kinds of Bipolar Interval Valued Neutrosophic Graphs
Continuity and Compactness on Neutrosophic Soft Bitopological Spaces
A Novel Approach to Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Diagonalization of Refined Neutrosophic Matrices
A Contribution To Kothe's Conjecture In Refined Neutrosophic Rings
Dark data analysis using Intuitionistic Plithogenic graphs
Bipolar neutrosophic soft generalized pre-continuous mappings
Multicriteria Decision-Making Applications Based on Generalized Hamming Measure for Law
On Some Properties of Interior, Closure, Boundary and Exterior of Neutrosophic Multi Topological Space
Multi-criteria Decision-making Applications Based on Set Valued Generalized Neutrosophic Quadruple Sets for Law
Neutrosophic Bi-topological Group
A Review on Recent Advantages in Algebraic Theory of Neutrosophic Matrices
n-Valued Refined Neutrosophic Crisp Sets
Neutrosophic Perspective of Neutrosophic Probability Distributions and its Application
Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets with Optimal Support Vector Machine for Sentiment Analysis
Neutrosophic Multigroup Homomorphism and Some of its Properties
Blockchain in Healthcare from a Neutrosophic Analysis
Multi Criteria Decision Making Algorithm Via Complex Neutrosophic Nano Topological Spaces
Single Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Travelling Salesman Problem with Novel Greedy Method: The Dhouib-Matrix-TSP1 (DM-TSP1)
A Short Note on Some Novel Applications of Semi Module Homomorphisms
A Study of Some Neutrosophic Clean Rings
Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model of Inventory Management with Deficit
Neutrosophic Handling of the Simplex Direct Algorithm to Define the Optimal Solution in Linear Programming
Analysis of the Success Factors of the Quality of E-learning in the Medical School in a Neutrosophic Environment
Neutrosophic DEMATEL in the Analysis of the Causal Factors of Youth Violence
Evaluation of Nutritional Education Strategies in Schools in Ecuador Using Neutrosophic TOPSIS
The Neutrosophic Treatment for Multiple Storage Problem of Finite Materials and Volumes
Complex Plithogenic Set
Mcdm WASPA in a Neutrosophic Environment Applied to Optimization of the Parameters for Minimization of Surface Roughness and Machining Deformation in Milling of Al Alloy Thin Walled Parts.
A short history of fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, neutrosophic and plithogenic sets
Decision Making Applications for Business Based on Generalized Set-Valued Neutrosophic Quadruple Sets
Single Valued Neutrosophic Dynamic Vertex Coloring of Some Cartesian Product and Join of SVNG′s
On Neutrosophic Generalized Semi Generalized Closed Sets
Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability for Functional Equation in Neutrosophic Normed Spaces
Bipolar neutrosophic soft contra generalized pre-continuous and contra generalized α-continuous mappings
An Integrated Neutrosophic AHP and TOPSIS Methods for Assessment Renewable Energy Barriers for Sustainable Development
Neutrosophic set with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Liver Tumor Segmentation and Classification Model
Network user interest mining method based on Neutrosophic cluster analysis
Neutrosophic Infi-Semi-Open Set via Neutrosophic Infi-Topological Spaces
Graded Mean Integral Distance Measure and VIKOR Strategy Based MCDM Skill in Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number
Introduction to Restricted Neutrosophic Set and Its Application
Mysterious Neutrosophic Linear Models
On NeutroBitopological Space
The Neutrosophic Treatment of the Static Model for the Inventory Management with Safety Reserve
Non-Euclidean, AntiGeometry, and NeutroGeometry Characterization
Nncγ Maps in Nnc-Topological Spaces
On Quasi Ng#− Open and Quasi Ng#− Closed Mappings in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
A Contribution to the Group of Units' Problem in Some 2-Cyclic Refined Neutrosophic Rings
2-Absorbing Neutrosophic Weakly Completely Γ-Ideals
On the Neutrosophic Characteristic Polynomials and Neutrosophic Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
Neutrosophic Two Way ANOVA
Properties of Detour Central and Detour Boundary Vertices in Neutrosophic Graphs
Inverse Dominating Set in Neutrosophic Graphs
The Regulation and Influence of Physical Exercise on Human Body's Neutrosophic Set, Respiratory System and Nervous System
Hybridization of Neutrosophic Logic with Quasi-Oppositional Chimp Optimization based Data Classification Model
NeutroAlgebra of Substructures of the Semigroups built using Zn and Z+
Neutrosophical dynamic programming
Important Neutrosophic Rules for Decision-Making in the Case of Uncertain Data
On the Classification of n-Refined Neutrosophic Rings and Its Applications in Matrix Computing Algorithms and Linear Systems
Bipolar Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Differential Equation and its Application
Linguistic Neutrosophic Semi-Connectedness and Semi-Compactness
A Neutrosophic Analysis of Alimony in Students of Legal Age as a Fundamental Right to Education
Comparative analysis of multicriteria methods based on single-valued neutrosophic numbers for the evaluation of medical technologies
Factors conducive to Pregnancy during Adolescence in Ecuador through Neutrosophic Statistics
Neutrosophic Analysis of Proposed Strategies for the Prevention of Domestic Accidents in Infants
Treatment Alternatives to Gingival Hyperpigmentation Using Neutrosophic Correlation Coefficients
Application of Neutrosophic Techniques for the Selection of the in-Hospital Triage System
Presumption of Innocence: Analysis of its Application using Neutrosophic Methods
Limiting Factors of Extenuating Circumstances Using Neutrosophic 2-Tuple
Analysis of the application of extenuating circumstances using the Torgerson method with SVNN
Compensatory Fuzzy Logic with Single Valued Neutrosophic Numbers in the Analysis of University Strategic Management
Plithogenic CRITIC-MAIRCA Ranking of Feasible Livestock Feeding Stuffs
Some Perfectly Continuous Functions via Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
On (βρn)-OS in Pythagorean Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
On the Structure of Number of Neutrosophic Clopen Topological Space
More on Neutrosophic Nano Open Sets
Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Ideals of Hilbert Algebras
Types of Energy in Nover Top Graphs
Heptapartitioned neutrosophic soft set
Diabetic Neuropathy Severity Assessment: A Neutrosophic approach
MCDM Problem using Generalized Dodecagonal Neutrosophic Number using Max – Min and Min – Max Principle
Distance of Similarity Measure under Neutrosophic Sets to Assess the Challenges of IoT in Supply Chain and COVID-19
Neutrosophic Near-Subtraction Semigroups and its Application
Construction of Sanda Teaching risk assessment index system using neutrosophic AHP method
Application of new media retrieval system based on Neutrosophic in marketing
N-Cylindrical Fuzzy Neutrosophic Sets
Shortest Path Problem on Neutrosophic Environment using Modified Circle Breaking Algorithm
Neutrosophic Discrete Facility Location Problems
Time Q-Neutrosophic Soft Expert Set
Review of Generalized Neutrosophic Soft Set in Solving Multiple Expert Decision Making Problems
Application of MBJ - Neutrosophic Set on Filters of Incline Algebra
Towards Smart Education in IoT and IoB Environment using the Neutrosophic Approach
Some remarks on ∆m (Iλ )-summability on neutrosophic normed spaces
On Neutrosophic Generalized Alpha Generalized Separation Axioms
On Neutrosophic Crisp Generalized Alpha Generalized Closed Sets
Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, while Plithogenic Statistics is the most general form of statistics (second version)
Interval Valued Neutrosophic Subbisemirings of Bisemirings
Agriculture Production Decision Making using Generalized q-Rung Neutrosophic Soft Set Method
Neutrosophic C-Means Clustering with Optimal Machine Learning Enabled Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification
Neutrosophic-Based Multi-Objectives Model for Financial Risk Management
Apply Neutrosophic AHP Analysis of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Behavior (IoB) in Smart Education
Exact Solution for Neutrosophic System of Ordinary Differential Equations by Neutrosophic Thick Function Using Laplace Transform
Neutrosophic Borda method
Neutrosophic Statistics for Social Science
Neutrosophic Image Segmentation: An Approach for the Treatment of Uncertainty in Multimodal Information Systems
Neutrosophic Nano M Open Sets
Analyzing the impact of social factors on homelessness with neutrosophic cognitive maps
On The Neutrosophic Formula of Some Matrix Equations Derived from Data Mining Theory and Control Systems
Neutrosophic K-means for market segmentation
Evaluation of Social Projects Using Neutrosophic AHP
Indeterminate Likert Scale in Social Sciences Research
Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Method for Selecting Optimum Market
Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for Violence Cause Analysis
A Novel Approach on Neutrosophic Binary αgs Neighborhood Points and its Operators
New Entropy Measure Concept for Single Value Neutrosophic Sets with Application in Medical Diagnosis
Neutrosophic cognitive maps for analysis of social problems analysis
The NILPOTENT Characterization of the finite neutrosophic p-groups
The Representation of Refined Neutrosophic Matrices By Refined Neutrosophic Linear Functions
Neutrosophic TOPSIS for prioritization Social Responsibility Projects
Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Deductive Systems of Hilbert Algebras
Social sports Competition Scoring System Design Using Single Value Neutrosophic Environment
Next-Gen Urban Management: Automated Crowd Density Recognition using Rough Neutrosophic Sets for Smart Cities
Multi-Criteria Data Analysis with Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Sets to Decrease Plastic Pollution rivers
Generalized of A-Closed Set and Ƈ- Closed Set in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Continuity and Compactness via Hypersoft Open Sets
Some Algebraic structures of Neutrosophic fuzzy sets
A Study on Plithogenic Fuzzy Relational Mapping and Its Application in Python Program
Neutrosophic approach to Dynamic Programming on group Decision Making problems
Nonagonal Neutrosophic Number and its Application in Optimization Technique
Applying Neutrosophic Iadov Technique for assessing an MDD-based approach to support software design
Different Types of Operations on Neutrosophic Graphs
Bipolar Hypersoft Homeomorphism Maps and Bipolar Hypersoft Compact Spaces
Application of Neutrosophic implicative filters and Neutrosophic positive implicative filters in Lattice implication algebra
Analyzing the Sustainability of Industry Affected in COVID-19 Pandemic Scenario Using Cosine Similarity Measure under SVPNS and PNN Model
New Approach in Logarithmic Summability of Sequences in Neutrosophic Normed Spaces
Neutrosophic BCK-algebra and Ω-BCK-algebra
The Neutrosophic Traveling Salesman problem with Neutrosophic EdgeWeight: Formulation and A Genetic Algorithm
On neutrosophic αψ -supra open sets
Redesign of a drone (UAV) to obtain high flight autonomy, used in the analysis of Pitahaya crops based on neutrosophic control
Square root Diophantine neutrosophic normal interval-valued sets and their aggregated operators in application to multiple attribute decision making
MCGDM based on VIKOR and TOPSIS proposes neutrsophic Fermatean fuzzy soft with aggregation operators
Multiple attribute decision making for square root diophantine neutrosophic interval-valued sets and their aggregated operators
Neutrosophic Submodule of Direct Sum M ⊕ N
Algebraic Structure for (λ, μ)-Diophantine Neutrosophic Bisemiring
Assessment of Structural Cracks in Aircraft Using a Decision-Making Approach Based on Enhanced Entropy and Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets
Implementation of Neutrosophic Bipolar Pentagonal Fuzzy Set on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Scenario
Mapping on Interval Complex Neutrosophic Soft Sets
A Review on Metaheuristic Algorithms with Neutrosophic Sets for Image Enhancement
Metaheuristics and Neutrosophic Sets for COVID-19 Detection: A review study
Impact analysis of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market using Neutrosophic Interval Valued Dependent Matrix Model
Q-Complex Neutrosophic Set
n-Refined Indeterminacy of Some Modules
A New Modified Logistic Distribution: Properties and Applications in Uncertainty Data Modeling
Comparison Slice Inverse Regression Method with Machine Learning Techniques in Multivariate Data
An integrated AHP MCDM based Type-2 Neutrosophic Model for Assessing the Effect of Security in Fog-based IoT Framework
A new class of NeutroOpen, NeutroClosed, AntiOpen and AntiClosed sets in NeutroTopological and AntiTopological spaces
NEP-2020's Implementation & Execution: A Study Conducted Using Neutrosophic PESTEL Analysis
A new type of neutrosophic set in Pythagorean Fuzzy environment and Applications to multi-criteria decision making
An inclusive study on the fundamentals of interval-valued fuzzy hypersoft set
Analyzing Digital Education using Neutrosophic Sets
The Neutrosophic Hyperbolic Functions
The Integration of Rational and Irrational Neutrosophic Functions
Multi-Valued Neutrosophic Sets for Forecasting Cryptocurrency Volatility
A Neutrosophic AHP Analysis for Using Video Conferences in Smart Learning: A Systematic Review
Generalized Pre-closed Sets in Fermatean Neutrosophic Hypersoft Topological Spaces
On the Split-Complex Neutrosophic Numbers and Their Algebraic Properties
Contra M -Continuous Maps in Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces
On the Solutions of Fermat's Diophantine Equation in 2-cyclic Refined Neutrosophic Ring of Integers
Single-Valued Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Minimal Structure Space
Algorithms for Computing Pythagoras Triples and 4-Tiples in Some Neutrosophic Commutative Rings
On the Symbolic 2-Plithogenic Rings
Bipolar Neutrosophic Finite Switchboard State Machines
Applications of Extended Plithogenic Sets in Plithogenic Sociogram
An Introduction to M-Open Sets in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Hyers - Ulam - Rassias Stability of Various Functional Equations in Non-Archimedean Neutrosophic Normed Spaces
New Types of Soft Sets: HyperSoft Set, IndetermSoft Set, IndetermHyperSoft Set, and TreeSoft Set
Bipolar fuzzy hypersoft set and its application in decision making
A novel extension of hesitant fuzzy sets on UP (BCC)-algebras: neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy sets
δ-open sets in Neutrosophic Hypersoft Topological Spaces
Neutrosophic Crisp Generalized sg-Closed Sets and their Continuity
Analyzing and Evaluation of Quick Switching System using Neutrosophic Poisson Distribution
Solving shortest path problems using an ant colony algorithm with triangular neutrosophic arc weights
Impact of Mobile Applications on Customer Service for the Tourism Sector: A Systematic Review and Neutrosophic Dematel
Analysis of Neutrosophic Elements in the Determination of Bankruptcies in SMEs Using Machine Learning
Systematic Review Using Neutrosophic Torgerson and Neutrosophic Vader to Determine the Impact of Mobile Applications in the Labor Integration of Disabled People
Practical Validation in a Neutrosophic Environment of the NEBS Methodology for the Optimization of SME Financing through Machine Learning
Neutrosophic Environment and E-Learning: An Investigation into Student Satisfaction and Attitudes in the College of Engineering
Exploring the Role of ChatGPT and social media in Enhancing Student Evaluation of Teaching Styles in Higher Education Using Neutrosophic Sets
Pseudo Similarity of Neutrosophic Fuzzy matrices
Neutrosophic-Operational and Multi-Decision Analysis Study for Meeting the Demands of FinTech Education Marketing
Neutrosophic G* -Closed Sets in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Application of Neutrosophic Filters in Lattice Implication Algebra
A Study on various Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic generalized closed sets
Applications in KU-algebras based on BMBJ-neutrosophic Structures
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Neural Network Modelling and Current-Voltage Analysis for Forecasting Post-Surgery Risks
Utilizing a Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic System with ANN for Short-Term Estimation of Solar Energy
Solving Thermal System Problem Via Fuzzy Mohand Transform under Neutrosophic Initial Conditions
Applications of NeutroGeometry and AntiGeometry in Real World
Neutrosophic Theory Framework for Building Mathematics Teachers Capacity in Assessment of High School Students in the United Arab Emirates
Neutrosophic Plithogenic AHP Model for Inclusive Higher Education Program Selection
Neutrosophic Fuzzy lattice Via Fuzzy Partial Ordering
n-refined Neutrosophic Fuzzy of Some Topological Concepts
On Symbolic 2-Plithogenic Real Matrices and Their Algebraic Properties
On a Novel Security Algorithm for the Encryption of 3×3 Fuzzy Matrices with Rational Entries Based on The Symbolic 2-Plithogenic Integers and El-Gamal Algorithm
Neutrosophic Pre-compactness
Neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy UP (BCC)-filters
On Some Novel Results About Weak Fuzzy Complex Matrices
Weakly Generalized M-Closed and Strongly M-Generalized Closed Sets in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
On various Inverse of Neutrosophic Fuzzy Matrices
More on Open Maps and Closed Maps in Fuzzy Hypersoft Topological Spaces and Application in Covid-19 Diagnosis using Cotangent Similarity Measure
On Neutrosophic filter and fantastic filter of BL-algebras
Heart Disease Prediction using Neutrosophic C-Means Clustering Algorithm
Neutrosophic Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Diabetes Disease Prediction
Treatment Option Selection for Medical Waste Management under Neutrosophic sets
Neutrosophic MABAC Method for Solutions of Ecotourism Centers (EC) in COVID-19
MBJ-Neutrosophic Positive Implicative LI-ideals, Associative LI-ideals, and Fantastic LI-ideals
Choosing Suppliers for Healthcare Supply Chains under Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method
The impact of economic growth and fiscal policy on poverty rate in Uzbekistan: application of neutrosophic theory and time series approaches
Colorectal Cancer Prediction Using Machine Learning and Neutrosophic MCDM Methodology: A Case Study
Neutrosophic-based Machine Learning Techniques for Analysis and Diagnosis the Breast Cancer
Assessment and prediction of Chronic Kidney using an improved neutrosophic artificial intelligence model
Neutrosophic Multi-criteria Decision-making Methodology for Evaluation chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Dietary Strategies for People with Celiac Disease by Neutrosophic Entropy Approach
Assessment of the preventive management of peripheral diabetic neuropathy by using neutrosophic AHP and neutrosophic uninorm operator
An Extended Neutrosophic Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis Technique Based on GIS for Analysing Flash Floods
Neutrosophic Framework for Analyzing Factors of innovation in the Development of Uzbekistan: features and modern tendencies
ε,δ – Filters of Lattice Wajsberg Algebras
Neutrosophic Multinominal Logistic Regression Technique for Optimizing Adaptive Reuse of Historical Castles
The relationship between economics and international regulatory affairs in transition economies and neutrosophic sets: A Review
Analyses the causes of alcoholism using triangular Neutrosophic soft set in a Neutrosophic environment.
Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets MCDM Method for Ranking Technologies of Cloud Computing
Neutrosophic Framework to Analysis Factors in Leadership and Policy Undergraduate Students: A Case Study
The Integrated Novel Framework: Linguistic Variables in Pythagorean Neutrosophic Set with DEMATEL for Enhanced Decision Support
Neutrosophic-based Machine Learning Techniques in the Context of Supply Chain Management: A Survey
Towards retention in airline industry using neutrosophic DEMATEL method: Does social media marketing activities affect passengers’ retention
Rework Warehouse Inventory Model for Product Distribution with Quality Conservation in Neutrosophic Environment
Analytical Study of Neutrosophic Fuzzy Unobservable On-Off Fluid Queues in Equipoise Strategies
Integrated Single-Valued Neutrosophic Normalized Weighted Bonferroni Mean (SVNNWBM)-DEMATEL for Analyzing the Key Barriers to Halal Certification Adoption in Malaysia
Scrutinization of a Neutrosophic Fuzzy Erlangian Queuing Model Using a Parametric Programming Technique
PCM with Linguistic Contradiction Degree Representations in Decision making on Academic Stress causing Factors
A Neutrosophic Model for Identifying and Analyzing the Effect of Relational Leadership on Information Security Policy Compliance: A Case Study of the Hotel Industry
Survival Function Estimation for Fuzzy Gompertz Distribution with neutrosophic data
Critical Path Method and Project Evaluation and Review Technique under Uncertainty:A State-of-Art Review
Success Factors in Adopting AI in Human Resource Management in UAE Firms: Neutrosophic Analysis
Extended Uncertainty Principle for Inventory Control: An Updated Review of Environments and Applications
New certain classes of Generalized Neutrosophic Mappings and Their Applications
An approach to singular modules by indeterminacy concept
Neutrosophic exponentiated inverse Rayleigh distribution: Properties and Applications
Study of the Effectiveness of Hypopressive Abdominal Training as Physiotherapeutic Treatment in Lumbosciatica in Adults Using Neutrosophic Statistics
A Neutrosophic approach to Youth University Entrepreneurship in Peru, Based on the Indeterminate Likert Scale
Neutrosophic Lindley distribution with application for Alloying Metal Melting Point
Advancing Covid-19 Data Modeling: Introducing a Neutrosophic Extension of Ramous Louzada Distribution
Neutrosophic set theory applied to Hilbert algebras
A Review of Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems Under Uncertain Environments
A Neutrosophic Model for Ranking Technical Sol utions for Three Types of ARP Attacks in SDN Architecture
Neutrosophic inverse power Lindley distribution: A modeling and application for bladder cancer patients
Algebraic Operations on Pythagorean neutrosophic sets (PNS): Extending Applicability and Decision-Making Capabilities
Reverse Sharp and Left-T Right-T Partial Ordering on Neutrosophic Fuzzy Matrices
On The Group of Units Classification In 3-Cyclic and 4-cyclic Refined Rings of Integers And The Proof of Von Shtawzens' Conjectures
The Geometrical Characterization for The Solutions of a Vectorial Equation By Using Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers and Other Generalizations Of Real Numbers
On the Fuzzy Semi-Unital Rings and Their Algebraic Properties
Further Algebraic Operations on Interval Critical Valued Neutrosophic Soft Sets with Their Application
Cubic Spherical Neutrosophic Sets
MADM Strategy Application of Bipolar Single Valued Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic Set
Evaluation the Key Success Factors in Emergency Management using Neutrosophic DEMATEL Method
Neutrosophic Monte Carlo Simulation Approach for Decision Making In Medical Diagnostic Process Under Uncertain Environment
Unveiling Yoga’s Impact on Mental and Physical Well-Being Through Neutrosophic DEMATEL Analysis
A New Hybrid Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision Methodology Model for Ranking Risks in International Business Administration
Positive Implicative and Commutative BS-Neutrosophic Ideals of BCK/BCI-Algebra
The Algebraic Structures of Q-Complex Neutrosophic Soft Sets Associated with Groups and Subgroups
Other Certain Classes of Generalized Neutrosophic Soft Separation Structures
A Normalized Weighted Bonferroni Mean Aggregation Operator in Neutrosophic Vague Multi-Criteria Decision- Making
Multi-criteria group decision making method in Pythagorean interval-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft soft using VIKOR approach
Generalization of neutrosophic interval-valued soft sets with different aggregating operators using multi-criteria group decision-making
Generating Weak Fuzzy Complex and Anti Weak Fuzzy Complex Integer Solutions for Pythagoras Diophantine Equation 𝑿𝟐 + 𝒀𝟐 = 𝒁𝟐
Pre-separation Axioms in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Bipolar Triangular Neutrosophic Chromatic Numbers with the Application of traffic light system
Neutrosophic Near Algebra Over Neutrosophic Field
An Approach To Symbolic n-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices For 9≤ n ≤12
Study on Student’s Performance using Single Valued Decagonal Neutrosophic Number in Decision Making Problem
Characterization of fuzzy algebraic structure based on diophantine Q-neutrosophic subbisemiring of bisemiring
On The Symbolic n-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices For 13≤n≤14 and Their Elementary Algebraic Properties
On Weak Fuzzy Complex Pythagoras Quadruples
MACBETH-MAIRCA Plithogenic Decision-Making on Feasible Strategies of Extended Producer's Responsibility towards Environmental Sustainability
On Neutrosophic D –Topological Spaces
Selection of Agricultural Aircraft in Bipolar Neutrosophic Environment using Bipolar - TOPSIS method
On Radical of Neutrosophic Primary Submodule
The Symbolic Plithogenic Complex Numbers
Algorithm for possibility interval-valued neutrosophic soft decision-making based on distance measures settings
Algorithm for decision-making based on similarity measures of possibility interval-valued neutrosophic soft setting settings
Hybrid integrated decision-making algorithm based on AO of possibility interval-valued neutrosophic soft settings
Enhancing Dorsalgia Prediction using Neutrosophic Sets in a Genetic Algorithm-Optimized Hybrid CNN-LSTM Framework on Spinal Geometry Parameters
On Some n-Refined Neutrosophic Groups For 3≤ n ≤ 5
The General Exponential form of a Symbolic Plithogenic Complex Numbers
Analyzing the United Nations Speeches with a Neutrosophic Approach to Text Mining in The Context of Türkiye’s Foreign Policy
Utilizing Neutrosophic Logic in a Hybrid CNN-GRU Framework for Driver Drowsiness Level Detection with Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Analysis Based on Eye Aspect Ratio
Polynomial ideals of a ring based on neutrosophic sets
Unveiling an Innovative Approach to Q-Complex Neutrosophic Soft Rings
SEE Transform in Difference Equations and Differential-Difference Equations Compared With Neutrosophic Difference Equations
On Symbolic 7-Plithogenic and 8-Plithogenic Number Theoretical Concepts
A Note on Invertible Neutrosophic Square Matrices
Selection of neutral networks using q-rung neutrosophic vague soft set TOPSIS aggregating operator setting multi-criteria group decision making
Neutrosophic nil radicals of neutrosophic ideals in rings
Exploring the Algebraic Structures of Q-Complex Neutrosophic Soft Fields
On Some Results About The n-Potent Fuzzy Groups and Anti-Fuzzy Groups
Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methodology to Identify Key Barriers in Education
Neutrosophic Integrals by Reduction Formula and Partial Fraction Methods for Indefinite Integrals
δ-separation Axioms on Fuzzy Hypersoft Topological Spaces
Effective Neutrosophic Soft Expert Set and Its Application
Fuzzy Logic Used to Solve ODEs of Second Order Under Neutrosophic Initial Conditions
Neutrosophic Control Chart for Rayleigh Quality with Applications To Wind Speed Data
Neutrosophic Laplace Distribution with Properties and Applications in Decision Making
Neutrosophic Structure of the Log-logistic Model with Applications to Medical Data
Some properties of neutrosophic nil radicals of neutrosophic ideals in rings
Properties of Fuzzy Semi-Open Sets with Regards to Fuzzy Ideals
Some Properties of Fuzzy Semi-Open Sets in Fuzzy Bi-Spaces
Neutrosophic Treatment of the Modified Simplex Algorithm to find the Optimal Solution for Linear Models
Synergizing Neutrosophy and Randomized Blocks Design: Development and Analytical Insights
Exploring the Influences of Metaverse on Education Based on the Neutrosophic Appraiser Model
⃗ȷρ Neutrosophic F Subgroup Over a Finite Group
A Neutrosophic Decision-Making Methods of the Key Aspects for Supply Chain Management in International Business Administrations
Assessment of the Educational Live Action in Uncertainty Environment under Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets
Possibility neutrosophic bipolar fuzzy soft sets and their applications
Assessment of Hazard in Firefighting Job Using Triangular Neutrosophic Sets and Hybrid Multi-criteria Decision Making
Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets Approach for Assessment Wind Power Plant
Choice Optimal Fuel Alternative in Thermal Power Station Using Neutrosophic Set and MCDM Methodology
Bayesian Approximation Methods of the Estimation for Generalized Exponential Distribution and Neutrosophic Approximation Methods
Enhancing neutrosophic fuzzy compromise approach for solving stochastic bi- level linear programming problems with right- hand sides of constraints follow normal distribution
Promoting Student Success with Neutrosophic Sets: Artificial Intelligence and Student Engagement in Higher Education Context
Innovative Theoretical Approach: Bipolar Pythagorean Neutrosophic Sets (BPNSs) in Decision-Making
Identifying Internet Streaming Services using Max Product of Complement in Neutrosophic Graphs
Neutrosophic parametric study of piecewise quadratic fuzzy multi-objective dynamic programming problems
Enhancing neutrosophic fuzzy goal programming approach for solving multi-objective probabilistic linear programming problems
The Mayan Transform: A Novel Integral Transform of Complex Power Parameters and Applications to Neutrosophic Functions
Homomorphisms and anti-homomorphisms of neutrosophic INK-algebras
A Study on Interval Valued Temporal Neutrosophic Fuzzy Sets
On n-Refined Neutrosophic Vector Spaces For Some Special Values 3≤ n ≤6
A Study of Systems of Neutrosophic Linear Equations
On The Classification of 3-Cyclic/4-Cyclic Refined Neutrosophic Real and Rational Von Shtawzen's Group
CSsEv: Modelling QoS Metrics in Tree Soft Toward Cloud Services Evaluator based on Uncertainty Environment
Single Valued Neutrosophic HyperSoft Set based on VIKOR Method for 5G Architecture Selection
Neutrosophic Topological Vector Spaces and its Properties
Mathematical Morphological Operations for Quadri -Partitioned Neutrosophic Set
Towards neutrosophic Circumstances goal programming approach for solving multi-objective linear fractional programming problems
Sorting Out Interval Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy Shortest Cycle Route Problem by Reduced Matrix Method
T-Spherical Fuzzy-Valued Neutrosophic Set Theory
T-Spherical Fuzzy Valued Neutrosophic Aggregation Operators: Applications in Multi-Attribute Decision Making
Time Effective Fuzzy Soft Set and Its Some Applications with and Without a Neutrosophic
Dynamics and Stability of Interconnected Systems: A Graph-Theoretic Neuromorphic Approach
Unveiling Neutrosophic Dimensions in the context of BF-algebras: Investigating Subalgebras, Ideals, and Homomorphisms
Assessment of Entrepreneurship Orientation of P2P Online Lending Platforms based on Neutrosophic Structured Element
Neutrosophic Beta-Lindley distribution: Mathematical properties and modeling bladder cancer data
A robust framework for the decision-making based on single-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft expert setting
Recognition of Sleep Disorders using IoT-Based Wearables and Neutrosophic Data Analytics
Crafting a Neutrosophic-Driven Tool to Probe Turnover Propensities in Manufacturing Entities
A Robust MCDM Framework for Cloud Service Selection Using Spherical Fermatean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean
The Properties of the Spectrals of Fuzzy Compact Linear Operators
Quaternion Framework of Neutrosophic Information with its Distance Measures and Decision-Making Model
Representation of Symbolic 2-Plithogenic Matrices by Symbolic 2-Plithogenic Linear Transformations
On Schur Complement in k-Kernel Symmetric Neutrosophic and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices
Partial orderings, Characterizations and Generalization of k-idempotent Neutrosophic fuzzy matrices
A novel multivariate copula of Raftery type with multiple dependence parameters and its neutrosophic application in finance
Neutrosophic Enhancement of YOLO-MD Algorithm for Automated Metal Surface Micro Defect Detection
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic based SVM approach for Enhanced Skin Cancer Prediction
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Score Matrices: A Robust Framework for Advancing Medical Diagnostics
New type of Diophantine neutrosophic aggregation operators and its extension
Some Operations on Trapezoidal Single Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy Numbers
A Specific Category of Harmonic Functions Characterized By A Generalized Komatu Operator in Conjunction With The (R-K) Integral Operator and Applications to Neutrosophic Complex Field
Research on the Classification and Application of Physical Education Teaching Mode by Neutrosophic Analytic Hierarchy Process
A Study of the 16-Plithogenic and 17-Plithogenic Square Real Matrices and Their Properties
Innovative Perspective on Neutrosophic Cubic Z-Algebras
Utilization of neutrosophic Kuhn-Tucker’s optimality conditions for Solving Pythagorean fuzzy Two-Level Linear Programming Problems
Group decision-making algorithm based on AOs settings for single-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft expert environment
Logarithmic Pythagorean neutrosophic vague aggregating operators and their real-life applications
MBJ-Neutrosophic WI Ideals in Lattice Wajsberg Algebra
Selection of the best process for desalination under a Treesoft set environment using the multi-criteria decision-making method
μ-L-Closed Subsets of Noetherian Generalized Topological Spaces
Investigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing Tactics Strategies Using Neutrosophic Set
q-rung square root interval-valued neutrosophic sets with respect to aggregated operators using multiple attribute decision making
Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets for Analysis Opinions of Customer in Waste Management
Integrated Neutrosophic methodology and Machine Learning Models for Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: An exploratory study
Neutrosophic N-structures over Hilbert algebras
New type neutrosophic set applied to power aggregating operators
An efficient intrusion detection model based on neutrosophic logic for optimal response from the arranged response set
Comprehensive hybrid regression model for financial forecasting in neutrosophic logic
Multi-criteria group decision making approach based on a new type of neutrosophic vague approach is used to select the shares of the companies for purchase
Measuring non-monetary poverty via machine learning and neutrosophic method: Review
Fermatean Shortest Route Problem with Interval Fermatean Neutrosophic Fuzzy Arc Length: Formulation and a Modified Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Neutrosophic ideals of several types in UP (BCC)-algebras
Type-II q-rung neutrosophic interval valued soft sets
A New Version of Gumbel Distribution Using Sine Technique Family: Properties, Parameter Estimation, and Data Analysis and Comparison with Fuzzy Data
Neutrosophic Meta SHAP and Neutrosophic Meta LIME: An Efficient Framework for Explainable AI in Oral Cancer Detection
On the Characterization of Some m-Plithogenic Vector Spaces and Their AH-Substructures Under the Condition 6 ≤ dim SPV ≤10
Orthogonal distance and similarity for single-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft expert environment and its application in decision-making
Secondary K-Range Symmetric Neutrosophic Fuzzy Matrices
Golden Jackal Optimization with Neutrosophic Rule-Based Classification System for Enhanced Traffic Sign Detection
A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis for COVID-19 in Public Health under Neutrosophic Set: Case Study
Enhanced Academic Stress-Coping Skills Assessment in College Students: A Comparative Study of Neutrosophic Distance Measure and Proposed Cubic Pythagorean Fuzzy Hypersoft TOPSIS Method
The Box and Muller Technique for Generating Neutrosophic Random Variables Follow a Normal Distribution
Group decision-making based on distance measures settings for single-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft expert environment
Neutrosophic Logic Empowered Machine Learning Algorithm with Salp Swarm Optimization for Biomedical Image Analysis
Extending the concepts of complex interval valued neutrosophic subbisemiring of bisemiring
Selection process real-life application for new type complex neutrosophic sets using various aggregation operators
Stable Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Space
Betam-Closed Sets in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Enhancing Digital Social Innovation Ecosystems: A Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean (PNBM) -DEMATEL Analysis of Barriers Factors for Young Entrepreneurs
Optimization of Neutrosophic Vendor-Buyer Economic Order Quantity Model Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Single-Valued Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic Bi-Topological Spaces
Algebraic properties applied to sin trigonometric complex neutrosophic sets
A New Approach to Solve Transportation Problems Under Neutrosophic Environment
On Developing He Method with Mohand Transform to Find Numerical and Exact Solutions of Some Neutrosophic Partial Differential Equations
Multipolar neutrosophic subalgebras/ideals of UP-algebras
Application of the Neutrosophic TOPSIS for the Analysis of the Violation of Due Process in Ecuadorian Adolescents
New algebraic approach towards interval-valued neutrosophic cubic vague set based on subbisemiring over bisemiring
On Some Symbolic 2-Plithogenic and 3-Plithogenic Real Series
A Neutrosophic Analysis of Ecuador's Traffic Injury Legislation
Fusion of Expert Judgment using the Neutrosophic Delphi Method to Evaluate Tax Behavior
Fuzzy Parameterized Single-Valued Neutrosophic Subset based Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Financial Crisis Prediction and Green Finance
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting with Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Heart Disease Recognition and Classification
Safeguarding Financial Integrity with Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Analytic Hierarchy Process for Sustainable Accounting Systems
On Certain Algebraic Properties of Symbolic 3-Plithogenic Real Square Matrices
On neutrosophic N-deductive systems of Hilbert algebras
On the Geometry of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers and Applications to the Classification of Some A-Curves
An Algebraic Approach to the Symbolic 5-Plithogenic Vector Spaces
An Effective Algorithm for Solving Weak Fuzzy Complex Diophantine Equations in Two Variables
Fuzzy Metric Space of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers and Plithogenic Metric Spaces
Information Fusion for the Training of Public Administrators: Design of a Composite Indicator through the Integration of AHP and TOPSIS Methods
Partner Sets for Generalizations of MultiNeutrosophic Sets
Some Properties of α^g-Closed Sets in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topology
Neutrosophic Likert Scale for Evaluating Environmental Sanctions
Interval Valued Neutrosophic INK-Ideal Via INK-Algebra
Interval Valued Neutrosophic Subalgebra in INK-Algebra
Optimizing Weibull Distribution Parameters for Improved Earthquake Modeling in Japan: A Comparative Approach
Hypersoft Sets in a Game Theory-Based Decision Making Model
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Stability of the Concepts of Stable Interior and Stable Exterior via Neutrosophic Crisp Sets
On The Real Inner Products and Orthogonality for Plithogenic Vector Spaces of Orders 4 and 5
A Legitimate Productive Repertoire Replica Betwixt Envirotech Outlay Towards Fragile Commodities Using Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Fuzzy Number
Application of the Neutrosophic COPRAS Information Fusion Method to Assess the Impact of Retirement on Well-being and Family Cohesion
Algorithms for Computing M-Plithogenic Eigen Values and Vectors for Some Special Values of M
Neutrosophic MOOSRA with Whale Optimization Algorithm for Unraveling Financial Futures through Inverse Problem Solving
On Neutrosophic Topological Spaces Generated by Single Value Neutrosophic Graph
Applied Statistics with Single-Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets for Market Trend Forecasting Model
Computer purchasing using new type neutrosophic sets and its extension based on aggregation operators
An neutrosophic topological operator and its application in the building of new neutrosophic sets
A Fabrication Repertoire Replica Amidst Partisan Commerce Layaway Strategem And Infalllibity Cannibalizing Neutrosophic Fuzzy Number
Neutrosophic Binary Separation Axioms associated Neutrosophic Binary Kernel Set
Energizing Inventory Management to Optimize Energy Consumption of Handling Shortages by Neutrosophic Fuzzy Trapezoidal Number
Analysis of a Supply Chain using the Neutrosophic IOWA-VIKOR Method for Operational Sustainability
Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for Mediation as a Conflict Resolution Method in Traffic Conflicts
Evaluation of Legal Security in Property Division Using OWA and Neutrosophic TOPSIS Methods
Neutrosophic Sets in Investigating the Right to Genetic Information: A Study using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and D-OWA
Robots selection for sine trigonometric (l1, l2, l3) neutrosophic sets using different aggregation operators
On Neutrosophic Crisp Grill Topological Spaces
On Refined Netrusophic Fractional Calculus
Reliability Function Estimated for Generalized Exponential Rayleigh Distribution Under Type-I Censored Data and Fuzzy Data
Plithogenic Sociogram based Plithogenic Cognitive Maps Approach in Sustainable Industries
Enhancing Project Selection with Neutrosophic TOPSIS: Navigating Uncertainty in Post-Pandemic Decision-Making
Fusion of Centrality Measures with D-OWA in Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps to Develop a Composite Centrality Indicator
Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic
Study Some Methods To Measure The Reliability System Neutrosophically
Modeling of Improved Sine Trigonometric Single Valued Neutrosophic Information based Air Pollution Prediction Approach
Leveraging Neutrosophic TOPSIS with Artificial Intelligence-Driven Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation for Weather Prediction
Rare and Dense Sets in Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
A New Neutrosophic Extended Rayliegh Distribution for Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency Across Industrial Sectors: A case study of Al-Kharj region
Intuitionistic Possibility Fermatean Fuzzy Soft Sets
New approach towards (g1, g2, g3) neutrosophic normal interval valued set applied to sin trigonometric aggregating operator and its generalization.
Foundations of neutrosophic convex structures
Abelian subgroups based on neutrosophic sets
Arithmetic Operations on Generalized Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers
On the Development of Fuzzy Estimators for Life Time Distributions based on Censored Fuzzy Life Times
Neutrosophic ANFIS Machine Learning Model and Explainable AI Interpretation in Identification of Oral Cancer from Clinical Images
Applying Neutrosophic Chi-Square Test and Social Structures to Analyze Gender Parity
Neutrosophic Social Structures and Neutrosophic 2-tuples Technique for Studying Labor Insertion and Gender Inequality
Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic Binary Set And Its Properties
Enhancing Cybersecurity in Financial Services using Single Value Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Expert Set
Modelling of Green Human Resource Management using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Approach
A New Paradigm for Decision Making under Uncertainty in Signature Forensics Applications based on Neutrosophic Rule Engine
Multiple Attribute Group Decision-Making with Neutrosophic Environment for Carbon Emission Prediction on Sustainable Urban Management
Two-Person Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Games with Harris Hawks Optimizer based Tweets Classification on NLP Applications
Optimal Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sine Trigonometric Aggregation Operators for Accurate Financial Fraud Detection Model
Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interference System for Predicting Financial Crisis
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Interval Sets and its Extension through MCDM and Applications in E-Management
ODESMAN: Optimizing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Logic for Advanced System Modeling
Applied Linguistics Driven Deceptive Content Recognition using Single Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number with Natural Language Processing
Design of Single Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set VIKOR Method for Hedge Fund Return Prediction
Applied Linguistics driven Artificial Intelligence for Automated Sentiment Detection and Classification
Bankruptcy Prediction using Diophantine Neutrosophic Number for Enterprise Resource Planning on Value of Accounting Information
Integrating N‐person Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Games with Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for Cloud Storage with Accounting Information Systems
Interval-valued Fermatean Neutrosophic Graph with Grey Wolf Optimization for Sarcasm Recognition on Microblogging Data
Optimization of Neutrosophic EOQ Model for Effective Demand Management in Uncertain Environment Using Genetic Optimization
Development of a novel uncertainty model for interval-valued Q-fuzzy soft sets: Application in design-making
A new generalized topology coarser than the old generalized topology
New approach to bisemiring via the q-neutrosophic cubic vague subbisemiring
The Mathematical Formulas for Inverting Plithogenic Matrices of Special Orders Between 20 and 24
Robust Financial Market Share Prediction using Intuitionistic Possibility Fermatean Neutrosophic Soft Set
COPRAS Neutrosophic Approach with Big Data Analytics for Enhancing Multi-Dimensional Customer Churn Prediction on Corporate Performance Assessment
Trademark Empowerment using Optimal Neutrosophic Topological Vector Space for Maximizing Customer Attraction
Statistical Optimization of Industrial Processes for Sustainable Growth using Neutrosophic Maddala Distribution
Anti homomorphism and homomorphism of bipolar valued multi Fuzzy HX-subgroups and it’s normal
New Concepts in Partner Multineutrosophic Topological Space
Strategic Decision-Making Enhancement Framework (SDE-Framework): Leveraging Neutrosophic Logic and Fuzzy Mathematics for Optimized Outcomes in IT Management and Computational Systems
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Numbers and its Impact on Transportation Problem
Generalized p-Transmuted Neutrosophic Distributions: Theory and its Applications
Extension of arithmetic and geometric aggregating operators using new type interval-valued neutrosophic sets.
On the Compactness and Continuity of Uryson's Operator in Orlicz Spaces
Cosine trigonometric rules applied to average and geometric aggregating operators using extension q-rung interval-valued neutrosophic set approach.
Neutrosophic Structure of Sized Biased Exponential Distribution: Properties and Applications
The Impact of Anti-Predator Behavior and Toxicant on An Ecological Neutrosophic Model
Numerical Solutions for Fractional Multi-Group Neutron Diffusion System of Equations
Harnessing Dimensionality Reduction with Neutrosophic Net-RBF Neural Networks for Financial Distress Prediction
Enhancing Inventory Management through Advanced Technologies and Mathematical Methods: Utilizing Neutrosophic Fuzzy Logic
Neutrosophic Delphi for evaluating sustainability models of native and non-native digital media.
Leveraging Bat Algorithm with Rough Neutrosophic Soft Set for Enhanced Oral Cancer Detection and Classification
Neutrosophic analysis of avocado oil extraction conditions by varieties
Enhancing Guinea Pig Farming: A Neutrosophic Approach with Interval-Valued and Bipolar Sets in Decision-Making Methods
Possibility Fermatean Neutrosophic Soft Set
Convergence of Filters on Bornological Vector Spaces and Neutrosophic Filters
A Study on First and Second Order Bipolar Fuzzy Topological Spaces and Crisp Topological Spaces and Analyzing the Connections Between Them
Type-I extension Diophantine neutrosophic interval valued soft set in real life applications for a decision making
Enhancing Predictive Accuracy of Insurance Stock Market in Jordan using Hyprid GFS.Thrift Model: A Genetic Fuzzy System-based Fintech Approach
A Study on Decision Making and Teaching Competency: Processing Self Perception and Cognitive Schema through Neutrosophic Science
On Neutrosophic Truncation
Extended Fuzzy Neutrosophic Classifier for Accurate Intrusion Detection and Classification
Neutrosophic Delphi method to analyze the impact of Internships on the comprehensive development of university students
A Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Methodology to Evaluate Different Competitiveness Indicators of Food and Beverage Companies
A Neutrosophic multi-criteria approach for implementing technology in education
LRPS Method for Solving Linear Partial Differential Equations and Neutrosophic Differential Equations of Fractional Order with Numerical Solutions
Enhanced Brain Tumor Diagnosis through Differential and Canonical Quadri –Partitioned Neutrosophic Set Classification Methods:A Comparative Study
Product of rings based on neutrosophic sets
Two Inclusive Subfamilies of bi-univalent Functions
Neutrosophic analysis of the factors determining the development of humorous discourse in videos using the TOPSIS method
Selection process based on new type neutrosophic interval-valued set applied to logarithm operator
An Integrated DEMATEL with Bipolar neutrsophic Dombi-based Heronian Mean Operator and Its Applications in Decision-making Problem
On Some Topological Spaces Based On Symbolic n-Plithogenic Intervals
Enhancing Network Security using Possibility Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set for Cyberattack Detection
Integrating Neutrosophic Vague N-Soft Sets with Chimp Optimization Algorithm for Sentiment Analysis on Social Media
Modelling of Neutrosophic Set-Based k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier for Virus Pneumonia and COVID-19 Recognition
Modeling bladder cancer survival function based on neutrosophic inverse Gompertz distribution
Efficient Neutrosophic Optimization for Minimum Cost Flow Problems
Automated Credit Card Risk Assessment using Fuzzy Parameterized Neutrosophic Hypersoft Expert Set
Automated Learning Style Prediction using Weighted Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Rough Sets in E-learning Platform
Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Grading using Neutrosophic Topological Vector Space on Fundus Imaging
On The Topological Spaces of Neutrosophic Real Intervals
An Outer Generalized Prime System and Some Discrete Examples
Enhancing Skin Cancer Diagnosis using Cubic Pythagorean Fuzzy Hypersoft Set with Salp Swarm Algorithm
Blockchain with Single-Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Sets Assisted Threat Detection for Secure IoT Assisted Consumer Electronics
The Properties of Two-Fold Algebra Based on the n-standard Fuzzy Number Theoretical System
Weighted Soft Discernibility Matrix with Deep Learning Assisted Face Mask Detection for Smart City Environment
Integrating Q Neutrosophic Soft Relation with Deep Learning based Pepper Leaf Disease Recognition for Sustainable Agriculture in KSA
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact of the Implementation of Renewable Energy: An Analysis from the Neutrosophic PEST-SWOT
A Study of the Relationship Between Cultural Identity and Inter-cultural Attitude Based on Plithogenic Statistics
Study of the Effectiveness of the Removal of Heavy Metals from the Irrigation Canal with Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Neu-trosophic Statistics
Collection of Bi-Univalent Functions Using Bell Distribution Associated With Jacobi Polynomials
Neutrosophic Topp-Leone Extended Exponential distribution modeling with application for bladder cancer patients
Evaluation of the Economic Viability of Circular Models in Agri-culture Based on Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps
Design of a Business Sustainability Measurement Method for Based on NeutroAlgebras Generated by the Combining Function in Prospector and Neutrosophic 2-tuple Linguistic Models
Application of Mentoring and Entrepreneurship Management in Higher Education
Energy of Fuzzy, Intuitionistic Fuzzy, and Neutrosophic Graphs in Decision Making-A Literature Review
Counterpart of Marshall-Olkin bivariate copula with negative dependence and its neutrosophic application in meteorology
Leveraging Double-Valued Neutrosophic Set for Real-Time Chronic Kidney Disease Detection and Classification
Role of Rough Neutrosophic Attribute Reduction with Deep Learning-Based Enhanced Kidney Disease Diagnosis
Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.
A Study Using Treesoft Set and Neutrosophic Sets on Possible Soil Organic Transformations in Urban Agriculture Systems.
Secondary Partial Ordering of Neutrosophic Fuzzy Matrices
A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis
Neutrosophic Approach to Increasing Production in Small Guinea Pig Breeding Systems: Exploring Tree Soft Set
An Innovative Approach to Financial Distress Prediction Using Relative Weighted Neutrosophic Valued Distances
Soil Organic Transformations in Urban Agricultural Systems: Application of a Neutrosophic Multicriteria Approach for Comprehensive Evaluation
Evaluation of the Use of Whey in the Production of Aromatized Beverages by Neutrosophic Multicriteria Analysis
Exploring Intuitionistic Fuzzy-Valued Neutrosophic Multiset Technique for High-Dimensional Financial Data Classification in Complex Systems
Harnessing Single-Valued Linguistic Complex Neutrosophic Set based Arabic Sentiment Classification on Natural Language Processing
Integrating Transfer Learning with Neutrosophic Weighted Extreme Learning Machine for Violence Detection in Smart Cities
A Note on Two-Fold Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Topological Space Based on Real Numbers
Neutrosophic Sets in Big Data Analytics: A Novel Approach for Feature Selection and Classification
Efforts of Neutrosophic Logic in Medical Image Processing and Analysis
Some results on approximation in neutrosophic normed space
IDLTM-DMT: Intelligent Deep Learning based Trust Management with Decision Making Tool for Healthcare Internet of Things and Big Data Environment with Neutrosophic Set Analysis
New algebraic structures approach towards complex interval valued Q-neutrosophic subbisemiring of bisemiring
Comprehensive Decision-Making with Spherical Fermatean Neutrosophic Sets in Structural Engineering
Neutrosophic Analytical Hierarchy Process (NAHP) for Addressing Cyber violence
Application of Multi-Criteria Methods and Neutrosophic Logic for the Analysis of Productive Factors
ANOVA and the 2-Tuple Neutrosophic linguistic method: A case study to analyze the interaction between elements
A proposed SWOT analysis method for integrating indeterminate Likert scale with the neutrosophic AHP
Development of Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCM) for the Evaluation and Ranking of the Main Causes of the Appearance of Fruit Fly Pests
A Plithogenic Statistical Approach to Assessing the Effects of Ginger Powder as a Growth Promoter
Finding new similarities measures for Type-II Diophantine neutrosophic interval valued soft sets and its basic operations
On Two Novel Generalized Versions of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm Based on Neutrosophic and Split-Complex Integers and their Complexity Analysis
An Efficient Plant Disease Detection: Possibility Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set Approach with Whale Optimization Algorithm
Complex Proportional Assessment Based Neutrosophic Approach for Ransomware Detection in Cybersecurity IoT System
Integrating Machine Learning with Two-Person Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Games for Cyberthreat Detection in Blockchain Environment
Neutrosophic Net-RBF Neural Networks with Bayesian Optimization Based Sentiment Analysis on Low Resource Language
Direct and converse approximation theorems in neutrosophic L_(δ,p) (U) space
Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic Vague Soft Sets and its Applications
Integrating Neutrosophic Logic with Bi-directional LSTM Model for Predicting Stock Market Movements
New approach for subbisemiring of bisemiring is applied to complex cubic anti neutrosophic set and its extension
A Fuzzy Adaptive Control Chart as an Alternative to Neutrosophic Techniques for Handling Imprecise Data
On the Two-Fold Maximal Units in Some Two-Fold Finite Neutrosophic Rings Modulo Integers for 2≤n≤5
Numerical Proceduers for Computing the Exact Solutions to Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Sentimental Analysis to Predict Stock Market Using in Neutrosophic Time Series
On the Irreversible k-Threshold Conversion Number for Some Graph Products and Neutrosophic Graphs
On the Numerical Solutions for Some Neutrosophic Singular Boundary Value Problems by Using (LPM) Polynomials
On Neutrosophic of BE-Algebra
Homomorphism of complex neutrosophic set extended to cubic Q neutrosophic set concept via subbisemiring of bisemirings
Characterization of bipolar neutrosophic sets to novel concept of complex Q bipolar neutrosophic sets using bisemirings
A note on Category of SuperHyper BCI-Algebra
Kernel Neutrosophic Crisp Sets
Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Set with Optimization Algorithm for Cyberthreat Detection and Classification in IoT Infrastructure
Pythagorean Neutrosophic Normal Interval-Valued Weighted Averaging Approach for Sustainable Financial Risk Prediction
Significant Features with M-Polar Neutrosophic Topological Spaces and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Bankruptcy Prediction Model
Intelligent Bankruptcy Prediction using Cutting-Edge N-Valued Interval Neutrosophic Sets for Classification
Transforming Arabic Text Analysis: Integrating Applied Linguistics with m-Polar Neutrosophic Set Mood Change and Depression on Social Media
Characterization of various (b,l) neutrosophic ideals of an ordered Gamma semigroups
Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Probability Distributions
Single valued Neutrosophic soft set for the segregation to elect progressive mode of student in the bias of etiquette in Neutrosophic environment
Complex cubic neutrosophic set applied to subbisemiring and its extension of bisemiring
Compare Noise Robust Least-Squares Method with Other Methods for Estimation of the Parameters of Frechet Distribution and Neutrosophic Generalization
Computational Approaches to Solving Some Partial Differential Equations and Neutrosophic Partial Differential with Variable Coefficients Using the Laplace Residual Power Series Method
On The Numerical Solutions of the Neutrosophic One-Dimensional Sine-Gordon System
Time Fuzzy Soft Sets and its application in design-making
Neutrosophic Lognormal Distribution with Applications in Complex Data Modeling
Fixed Point Theorems with its Applications in Fuzzy Complete Convex Fuzzy Metric Spaces
On 𝜓Ν𝐶- Operator in Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Spaces
Numerical Advancements: A Duel between Euler-Maclaurin and Runge-Kutta for Initial Value Problem
Different algebraic structures and their properties setting logarithm operator applied to extended neutrosophic interval-valued set
Decision Making in the Case of Confirmed Data Neutrosophic Linear Models to Choose the Advertising Medium
Modern Free-Derivative Numerical Optimization of Approximate Algorithms Convergence and Neutrosophic Convergence
On A Subclass of Analytic Functions Specified By Touchard Polynomials
Quantitative Easing and Its Long-term Effects on U.S. Credit Market Sustainability: A Neutrosophic Science Perspective
Several arithmetic operations on neutrosophics type-2 fuzzy sets
Time Factor’s Impact On Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets
Fixed point results of Geraghty type contractions with equivalent distance
Implementation of the Neutrosophic Sets in Measurable Space with Respect to Neutrosophic Ring
Boosting Road Damage Detection via DEMATEL with Bipolar Neutrsophic Dombi for Intelligent Smart City Infrastructure
Effective Data Classification using Interval Neutrosophic Covering Rough Sets based on Neighborhoods for FinTech Applications
Optimizing Financial Fraud Detection: Understandings from Variable Selection with Neutrosophic Vague Soft Set
Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Based Machine Learning Model for Data Analytics and Sentiment Classification of Product Reviews
A new generalization of interval-valued Q-neutrosophic soft matrix and its applications
Solving of First Order Initial Value Problem Using Fuzzy Kamal Transform in Neutrosophic Environment
The Zariski topology on the graded second spectrum of a graded module
Integrating Neutrosophic Theory for Improved Decision-Making in Wireless Body Area Networks: Enhancing Accuracy and Efficiency in Health Monitoring
On The Topological Space of Some n- Refined Neutrosophic Real Intervals and Its Open Sets For 𝟒≤𝒏≤𝟓
Spectral Radius Inequalities for Accretive-Dissipative Matrices
Computation of Weighted PI Index of Lexicographic product graphs and for Silicates Networks
Estimation of Population Mean using Neutrosophic Exponential Estimators with Application to Real Data
Lindel ”Ofness Spaces in NTH Topological Spaces
Cubic Spherical Linguistic Neutrosophic Topological Space
Some Types of Nth-Locally Compactness Spaces
An Exploration of Hesitant Fuzzy Normed Linear Space
The neutrosophic-based analysis assessment framework: An assessment strategy to promote soft computing in educational contexts
Solutions and convergence arguments for systems of hyperbolic time-fractional partial differential equations
Fekete-Szeg¨o and Second Hankel Determinant for a Certain Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions associated with Lucas-Balancing Polynomials
On The Weak Fuzzy Complex Differential Equations and Some Types of the 1st Order 1st degree WFC-ODEs
Regular-Closed Functions Between Soft Topological Spaces
Fermatean Neutrosophic Soft Set
Shape preserving monotonic and convex data interpolation using rational cubic ball functions
Entropy Measure on Selection of Cloud Computing using Bipolar Neutrosophic Environment Utilizing Topsis Method
Investigating Inclusion, Neighborhood, and Partial Sums Properties for a General Subclass of Analytic Functions
Neutrosophic sets in IUP-algebras: a new exploration
Neutrosophic fuzzy metric spaces and fixed points results with integral contraction type
Soft Computing with Neutrosophic and fractional order frameworks: A state-of-the-Art review
The Applications of Runge-Kutta Numerical Methods to Numerical Solutions of Several Neutrosophic Problems
A New Algebraic Approach of Neutrosophic Lie Algebra by AH Isometry
The Runge-Kutta Numerical Method of Rank Seven for the Solutions of Some Refined Neutrosophic Differential Problems
On A Novel Neutrosophic Numerical Method for Solving Some Neutrosophic Boundary Value Problems
SoftWeak θ-Continuity and Preservations of Soft Hyperconnectedness and Soft Near Compactness
Neutrosophic Approaches to Soliton Solutions for Nonlinear Time-Fractional Coupled Jaulent–Miodek System Using a Modified Laplace Adomian Dec omposition Method
Relations between Wd-fuzzy implication algebras and other logical algebras
On Gr-2-nil ideals of graded commutative rings
Ideals and filters on intuitionistic fuzzy lattices
Time Fuzzy Parameterized Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets
Smart ETA Predictions: Leveraging AI and Neutrosophic Fuzzy Soft Sets for Real-Time Accuracy
Operations on Translation of Fermatean Neutrosophic INK-Algebra
Epanechnikov-pareto Distribution with Application
Neutrosophic Ideal of a Near Algebra
UNCA: A Neutrosophic-Based Framework for Robust Clustering and Enhanced Data Interpretation
A Comparative Case Study on Neutrosophic Linear Programming Approach and -Constraint Method for Fuzzy Multiobjective Solid Cold Transportation Problem with an Improved Preservation Technology
A novel Q-neutrosophic soft under interval matrix setting and its applications
Algebraic structures such as distributive, associativity and boundedness properties via tangent neutrosophic set acting generalized weighted averaging and geometric
An Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Financial Fraud Detection Using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Approach with Machine Learning Models
Geometric Properties of Neutrosophic 𝓆 -Poisson distribution Series through 𝕻𝕞ℵ Operator
Applying Block Method for the Numerical Solutions of the Second Order n-Refined Neutrosophic ODE for n=2, 3
Analyzing and Interpretation of Kernel Neutrosophic Set Based Machine Learning Model for Cost Estimation of Multi Product Supply Chain Management Systems
Practical Applications of Neutrosophic Logic in Enhancing the Accuracy of Economic Forecasting Models and Supporting Decision-Making in Banks
Modeling Extreme Healthcare Costs Using the Neutrosophic Cauchy Distribution
Neutrosophic Burr Distribution for Modeling Health Risk Factors
Optimize Decision-Making in the Industrial Sector under Uncertainty: A Neutrosophic Inverse Exponential Distribution Approach
Development of Neutrosophic Pareto Distribution for Survival Analysis
On Modules Related to Homomorphism Their Kernel Equal Zero in Neutrosophic Theory
On the Numerical Approximation and Optimization Techniques for Solving an Inverse Cauchy Problem of Viscous-Burgers’ Equation
Subclass of uniformly starlike functions associated with a linear operator whose coefficients are the reciprocal Gamma function
Exploring Critical Path Solving Methods under Neutrosophic
New Higher-Order Implicit Method for Approximating Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems
Fixed Points Results in Algebra Fuzzy Metric Space with an Application to Integral Equations
Investigating Workplace Challenges: A Neutrosophic Soft Set Analysis of Female Workers' Problems in Diverse Industries
Some New Results about Neutrosophic KU-Module
On a convex topological order and neutrosophic continuous sets
Neutrosophic N-structures on Sheffer stroke UP-algebras
Neutrosophic Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution: Properties and Application to Healthcare Data
Neutrosophic Cordial Labeling on Helm and Closed Helm Graph
The Analysis of Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers in a Neutrosophic Fuzzy Inventory Management Modelling with Minimal Insufficient Supply Required and Fuzzy Consumption
Time-Optical Control Strategies for SIR Epidemic Models in Cattle and Neutrosophic Fuzzy Modelling
Volume 0 - 2019
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Volume 0- 2019 ToC
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Volume 3
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Volume 4
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Volume 9
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Volume 10
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Volume 11
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Volume 12
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Volume 13
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Volume 14
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Volume 15
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Volume 16
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Volume 17
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Volume 18
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Issue 4
Volume 19
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Issue 4
Volume 20
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Volume 21
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Volume 22
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Volume 23
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